Chapter 14 Blood Functions Blood Cells red blood cells white blood cells platelets (cell fragments) 14-2
Blood Volume varies with changes in fluid concentration changes in electrolyte concentration about % of weight about liters 14-3
Blood Composition 14-4
Origin of Blood Cells 14-5
Red Blood Cells biconcave one-third hemoglobin 14-6 Red
Red Blood Cell Count # of RBCs in a cubic millimeter of blood 4,200,000 – 5,400,000 in adult females reflects blood’s oxygen carrying capacity 14-7
Red Blood Cell Production low blood oxygen causes kidneys and liver to release erythropoietin which stimulates RBC production 14-8
Life Cycle of Red Blood Cell macrophages in spleen and liver destroy worn out RBCs bilirubin and biliverdin excreted in bile exe
Types of Anemia aplastic anemia toxic chemicals radiation hemolytic anemia toxic chemicals iron deficiency anemia hemoglobin deficient pernicious anemia inability to absorb B 12 sickle cell anemia defective gene thalassemia hemoglobin deficient defective gene 14-10
Hemolytic Anemia Normal RBCs RBCs of person with hemolytic anemia 14-11
White Blood Cells leukocytes granulocytes neutrophils eosinophils basophils agranulocytes lymphocytes monocytes 14-12
Neutrophils first to arrive at infections phagocytic of leukocyte elevated in bacterial infections 14-13
Basophils release histamine release heparin less than % of leukocytes 14-14
Eosinophils moderate allergic reactions 1% - 3% of leukocytes 14-15
Monocytes kidney-shaped or oval nuclei leave bloodstream to become macrophages of leukocytes 14-16
Lymphocytes size of RBC large spherical nuclei T cells B cells important in immunity produce antibodies of leukocytes decreased T Cells in AIDS 14-17
White Blood Cell Counts number of WBCs per cubic mm per cubic mm leukopenia typhoid fever, flu, measles, mumps, chicken pox, AIDS leukocytosis acute infections, vigorous exercise, great loss of body fluids differential WBC count lists percentages of types of leukocytes may change in particular diseases 14-19
Blood Platelets thrombocytes 130,000 – 360,000 per cubic mm 14-20
Blood Plasma straw colored % of blood 14-21
Plasma Proteins Albumins most numerous plasma proteins originate in liver help maintain osmotic pressure of blood Fibrinogen originate in liver plays key role in blood coagulation Alpha and Beta Globulins originate in liver transport lipids and fat- soluble vitamins Gamma Globulins originate in lymphatic tissues constitute the antibodies of immunity 14-22
Gases and Nutrients Gases oxygen carbon dioxide nitrogen Nutrients amino acids simple sugars nucleotides lipids lipoproteins 14-23
Plasma Lipoproteins Chylomicrons transport dietary fats to muscles and adipose cells HDLs relatively high concentration of proteins relatively low concentration of lipids transport remnants of chylomicrons to liver LDLs relatively high concentration of cholesterol formed from VLDLs deliver cholesterol to various cells VLDLs produced in the liver transport triglycerides from liver to adipose cells High Cholesterol
Plasma Electrolytes sodium potassium calcium magnesium chloride bicarbonate phosphate sulfate sodium and potassium most abundant 14-26
Hemostasis stoppage of bleeding Blood Vessel Spasm smooth muscle in vessel contracts Platelet Plug Formation triggered by exposure of platelets to collagen Blood Coagulation blood clot forms 14-27
Platelet Plug Formation 14-28
Blood Clots After forming, blood clot retracts and pulls the edges of a broken vessel together Platelet-derived growth factor stimulates smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts to repair damaged blood vessels Plasmin digests blood clots thrombus – embolus – 14-31
Prevention of Coagulation As a clot forms, fibrin absorbs thrombin and prevents the reaction from spreading Some cells secrete heparin 14-32
ABO Blood Group Blood
Preferred and Permissible Blood Types for Transfusion 14-35
Clinical Application Leukemia Myeloid Leukemia bone marrow produces too many immature granulocytes leukemic cells crowd out other blood cells anemia bleeding susceptible to infections Lymphoid Leukemia lymphocytes are cancerous symptoms similar to myeloid leukemia Treatments blood transfusions marrow transplants anti-cancer drugs stem cell transplants 14-36