The Blood System By Chris Landeroz and Sufyan Ahmed
Functions Liquid connective tissue performs many functions. Liquid connective tissue performs many functions. Transports of oxygen. Transports of oxygen. Carbon dioxide, nutrients, waste products, clotting. Carbon dioxide, nutrients, waste products, clotting. And defense against microorganisms. And defense against microorganisms.
Parts of Blood Plasma- mostly water acts as a solvent for carrying other substances. Plasma- mostly water acts as a solvent for carrying other substances. Platelets- fragments of cells that function in blood clotting. Platelets- fragments of cells that function in blood clotting. White blood cells- helps protect the body from infection and diseases. White blood cells- helps protect the body from infection and diseases. Red blood cells- transports oxygen from the lungs to body tissues. Red blood cells- transports oxygen from the lungs to body tissues. Hemoglobin- iron containing protein complex carried in red blood cells that binds oxygen for transport to other areas of the body. Hemoglobin- iron containing protein complex carried in red blood cells that binds oxygen for transport to other areas of the body.
Blood Clot Injury to the lining of vessels exposes collagen fibers; platelets adhere the platelets releases chemicals that make near by platelets sticky platelets plug forms. Injury to the lining of vessels exposes collagen fibers; platelets adhere the platelets releases chemicals that make near by platelets sticky platelets plug forms. Fiber clot with trapped cells. Fiber clot with trapped cells.
Blood Types Landsteiner observed two distinct chemical molecule present on the surface of red blood cells. He labeled one molecule “A” and the other molecule “B”. Landsteiner observed two distinct chemical molecule present on the surface of red blood cells. He labeled one molecule “A” and the other molecule “B”. If the red blood cell had molecule A on it, that blood was called type “A”. If the red blood cell had molecule A on it, that blood was called type “A”. If the red blood cell had only molecule “B” on it, that blood was called type “B”. If the red blood cell had only molecule “B” on it, that blood was called type “B”. If the red blood cell had a mixture of both molecules, that blood was called type “AB”. If the red blood cell had a mixture of both molecules, that blood was called type “AB”. IF the red blood cell had neither molecules, that blood was called type “O”. IF the red blood cell had neither molecules, that blood was called type “O”.
Blood Problems Daily fluastatin extended-releases (XL) appears to increases significantly the mean serum levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and apolipoprotein (apo-1) in patients with type 2 debates mellitus and low basline HDL-C, according to a 4 month, prospective, open label, crawlomised blinded- end point study. Daily fluastatin extended-releases (XL) appears to increases significantly the mean serum levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and apolipoprotein (apo-1) in patients with type 2 debates mellitus and low basline HDL-C, according to a 4 month, prospective, open label, crawlomised blinded- end point study. In assitional, fluuastation promotes target mean low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDC) and apolipoprotein B (apo) levels in these patients. In assitional, fluuastation promotes target mean low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDC) and apolipoprotein B (apo) levels in these patients. “One of the majors problems at present for debates patients with low HDL-C levels id hat they are severely compromised in terms of cardiovascular pressure, and previous studies hove only only investigated that effects of strains in mixed populations of diasetics, with both normal and decreased HDl- C”, said Dr. Maurizio Beviaqua, PHD, Principal coordinator, director, endocrinology and dibetology service, L. Sacco Polo University, Milan, Italy. “One of the majors problems at present for debates patients with low HDL-C levels id hat they are severely compromised in terms of cardiovascular pressure, and previous studies hove only only investigated that effects of strains in mixed populations of diasetics, with both normal and decreased HDl- C”, said Dr. Maurizio Beviaqua, PHD, Principal coordinator, director, endocrinology and dibetology service, L. Sacco Polo University, Milan, Italy.
Blood Problems Continuation…. Sickle cell anemia occurs in the red blood cells characterized by abnormally shaped cells. Sickle cell anemia occurs in the red blood cells characterized by abnormally shaped cells. The abnormality can result to painful episodes, infections, chronic anemia, and can damage body organs. The abnormality can result to painful episodes, infections, chronic anemia, and can damage body organs. The effects very from person to person depending on the type of sickle cell disease they have. The effects very from person to person depending on the type of sickle cell disease they have.