Climate Outlook – May 2010 El Nino Dissipates; Neutral or La Nina Conditions Expected by September
Stronger El Niño Stronger La Niña El Nino La Nina now
FMA 2010 precip anom FMA precip compos El Nino wet dry wet dry
Verification: G: globe T: tropics this (mean forcst 1997→ ) rpss: G (0.008) T (0.015) likelihood: G (0.004) T (0.008) Heidke: G (0.042) T (0.068) GROC: G (0.539) T (0.565) FMA 2010 precip tercile categ FMA 2010 precip probab forecast from mid-Jan Verification of Recent Season Precipitation Forecast
Verification: G: globe T: tropics this (mean forcst 1997→ ) rpss: G (0.114) T (0.177) likelihood: G (0.054) T (0.090) Heidke: G (0.301) T (0.414) GROC: G (0.574) T (0.626) FMA 2010 temp tercile categ FMA 2010 temp probab forecast from mid-Jan Verification of Recent Season Temperature Forecast
Southern Oscillation o.. D T ENSO-related Sea Level Pressure Seesaw Pattern Southern Oscillation Index
Last week’s SST anomaly ||||||||||||||||||||||
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Anomalies 5N – 5S Climate Prediction Center NCEP ************************** maximum influence on climate
Stronger La Niña Stronger El Niño **** **** *******
May 2008 Zonal Winds Return to Average El Nino Disspates to ENSO-neutral Below-Average Thermocline Depth Takes Over from West May 2009 May 2010
Recent phase and strength of Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) mid- April 2010, & mid- May 2010 neutral ENSO weak + = MJO Neutral(-) ENSO
current (SST, sea level pressure, winds, cloudiness, convection)
Nino3.4 SST anomaly forecasts from Apr
Nino3.4 SST anomaly forecasts from May
from April
from May
May 2010 SST forecasts (plus and minus uncertainty scenarios at right) MEAN PLUS MINUS
New climate forecasts from May 20, 2010
E North Pacific JJAS NTC 45%35%20% ACE 40%35%25% Tropical Cyclone Forecasts May 2010 NTC = Number of Tropical Cyclones ACE = Accumulated Cyclone Energy West N Pacific JASO NTC 25%35%40% ACE 30%40%30% North Atlantic JJA NTC 15%35%**50%** ACE 20%35%**45%** No Location Shift below normal near normal above normal
Has the 2009/10 El Nino had health impacts?
Spatial distribution of plasmodium falciparum malaria endemicity From Malaria Atlas Project (MAP)
Distribution of Dengue Fever and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever equator
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Anomalies 5N – 5S Climate Prediction Center NCEP ************************** maximum influence on climate
JFM 2010 precip anom JFM precip compos El Nino wet dry wet dry
JFM 2010 precip observed tercile category JFM 2010 precip probab forecast from mid-Dec wet obs normal obs dry obs dry season (no forecast) can we expect higher risk of malaria and/or dengue?
JFM 2010 precip observed tercile category wet normal dry Brunei: 77 cases in JFM: high rainfall, poor rubbish management Thailand (Phuket): 123 cases in 2010: above-average temperature North Queensland (Tully): 4 cases, March: recent rains and high temperature, and migration from dengue-ridden Cairns to north Venezuela (central): 26,724 cases in 2010: abandonment of fumi- gation and env’tal cleanup by Ministry of Health; water storage Notable dengue outbreaks during first 4 months of 2010
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