Anointing of the Sick Celebrating God’s Healing Love
Anointing of the Sick Sacrament of Healing Carries out the healing ministry of Jesus Offers a way for God’s love to reach us in a time of need Offers a way for God’s love to reach us in a time of need
The Healing Message God loves and cares for us when we are sick or suffering. God heals our spirit and gives us comfort through the love of the Christian community. Jesus’ suffering and death were not his final fate, and neither are they for us. Jesus’ resurrection gives us hope.
Jesus as Example Jesus cast out demons, relieved the suffering of people afflicted with many kinds of physical ailments, and actually restored people to life. Jesus himself experienced suffering, death, and Resurrection.
Jesus as Healer Jesus brings the daughter of Jairus back to life and cures the woman who has a hemorrhage. (Mark 5:21-43) Jesus heals many people—lame, maimed, blind, mute—who have been brought to him by the crowds. (Matthew 15:29-39) Jesus heals a blind man and then refutes the belief that his ailment was a consequence of personal sin. (John 9:1-12)
Who gets anointed? Offered to dying persons Offered to non-terminally ill persons Offered with the wider faith community present
Common Elements Prayers Penitential Rite Readings from the Scriptures Laying on of hands by the priest Anointing with oil on the forehead and hands by the priest Holy Communion
History of the Sacrament “So they went out and proclaimed that all should repent. They cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them.” (Acts 6:12-13) By the 12 th Century it was called Extreme Unction—meaning “last anointing” and was later called “last rites.” Anointing became a sacrament only when death was immanent.
The Sacrament Today Healing is the emphasis. We are reminded of God’s healing presence in the Church. We are reminded that we participate in the mysterious truth—as in Jesus’ life— suffering, sickness, and even death can be part of the healing journey toward resurrected life and wholeness.