Which aspect of suffering makes it hardest to deal with? 1.It didn’t need to happen 2.The fact that there is no point to it – it is just meaningless, destructive pain 3.Suffering evil destroys trust – it turns good people into people who also respond with evil 4.It leaves a scar on your heart and mind
Jesus, God’s answer to Evil To explain and evaluate how Jesus solves the problem of evil To evaluate a case study where a person responds to suffering in a Christian way
“THEREFORE GOD SENT HIS SON INTO THE WORLD.” God suffered in Jesus. He took on evil, forgave evil- doers, met evil with good. He gave no resistance to his enemies. His disciples likewise. There was no “chain reaction” of violence after Jesus’ death or his disciples. Even though they were persecuted, Christianity continued to grow. In this way Jesus left us an example of meekness and non-violence, that cancelled out evil and stop its destructive power from affecting others. His death is important for another reason: through his cross, he gave suffering a purpose: from now on suffering evil like he did will bring us closer to God, make us “Christ-like”, showing God’s rule and glory on earth. 1.How does Jesus’ suffering solve the problem of evil? 3 ways. **Do you think Jesus’ death does answer the question of evil and why suffering happens?
Does Jesus example of non-violence make a difference to the world? Has God really “done” something about evil, or is it the same as before? Did Jesus take away the destructiveness of it, by making it a path to God? Does Jesus’ death prove that God IS all-loving, all powerful, and all-knowing or evil would not exist?) DOES JESUS’ THEODICY WORK? Has it changed anything? -Does it prove God’s love & power? -Has it reduced the amount of evil done in the world, as people follow Jesus’ example? -Does it make a difference to people who are suffering?
a.Never forget the hurt done to you. b.If you have to suffer evil, know that I suffered too c.Do not do evil back – that way you stop the chain of evil continuing d.Take the law into your own hands, and fight for your rights e.Forgive those who hurt you. Do not think of their sins. f.Pray for God to do justice for you against your enemies g.Accept the evil done to you, and do not worry, because God will see you right Identify what is the advice Jesus would give. Write your own “Jesus’ advice to stop evil and suffering” **Which action is the most effective response to evil? Jesus’ Advice to Stop Evil.
Watch the Video: Anthony WalkerVideo The Evil 1.What is the situation described in this video ? 2.How does the mother respond “like Christ” ? 3.Does her suffering defeat evil? How ? ** So does Jesus, as God’s answer to evil, work? BBC learning zone anthony walker She has peace She is like Jesus, and closer to God She shows others what the life of God is like