JONAH’S FAST (2 Weeks before GREAT LENT) Jonah 3 days in whale Lord Jesus 3 days in tomb Remember GOD’S MERCY & REPENT
GREAT LENT PURPOSE & MEANING: CROSS Remember Lord Jesus’ suffering on the CROSS for us Resurrection EASTER Celebrate His Resurrection at EASTER Repent fast pray Repent from sin, fast & pray MORE DO MORE GOOD: more Pray more more Attend more liturgies more Confess more often more Help with more chores
ABRAHAM & LOT Lot lived with his uncle Abraham Both men had lots of cattle Shepherds were arguing …
ABRAHAM & LOT Abraham made peace: “Let there be no strife between you and me … for we are brethren …” Abraham let Lot choose Lot chose land near Sodom & Gomorrah; a wicked city
ABRAHAM & LOT God was pleased with Abraham: “Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are – northward northward, southward southward, eastward eastward, and westward westward; for all the land you see I give to you …” Abraham built altar to the Lord Lot Abraham
ABRAHAM & LOT “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” God.” (Matthew 5:9)
ABRAHAM LOT ABRAHAM LOT Had lots of cattle, gold, silver PEACE Did not care for land or cattle - seek PEACE FAITH (seek God’s will) Walked by FAITH (seek God’s will) Built an altar to worship God God blessed him with more land & descendants Had lots of cattle Cared about land & cattle – chose Sodom SIGHT (seek man’s will) Walked by SIGHT (seek man’s will) Pitched tent (lived) at Sodom & Gomorrah God destroyed Sodom, lost all possessions (angels rescued Lot & family)
ABRAHAM & LOT Children of God must: PEACEMAKERS Seek God’s will – be PEACEMAKERS (like Abraham) PEACE Live with God to have PEACE FAITH SIGHT Walk with eyes of FAITH (God’s will), not by SIGHT (man’s will) Trust in God, as He always takes care of us