Florida’s Charter Schools Program Grant Award Information Session August 2011
CSP Grant Award In July 2011, USDOE announced that Florida was one of two states to receive a five-year Charter Schools Program (CSP) Grant Award.
Overview Purpose: Provide financial assistance to expand the number of high quality charter schools and build a better national understanding of public charter schools. 95% of funding will be distributed in subgrants to charter schools (45 start-up/year and dissemination) Administrative funds will be used to provide training and professional development and for subgrant recipient monitoring activities.
Objective 1 Increase access to high-quality charter schools for educationally disadvantaged students. Activities: Preference points and increased funding for charter school developers opening schools in the feeder patterns of PLA public schools or rural low-income districts Coordination with Race to the Top initiative supporting management organizations opening charter schools in feeder zones of PLA public schools New applicant trainings and outreach activities targeting rural districts
Objective 1 Expected Outcomes:
Objective 2 Improve the authorizing practices and capacity of Local Education Agency Authorizers. Activities: Training activities related to authorizing best practices. Workshops for authorizers on using the model charter school evaluation instrument Partnership with FACSA to create principles and standards for high-quality authorizing in Florida and an online charter school monitoring tool Distribute Title I regulation, eligibility, and allocation information to all LEAs each year
Objective 2 Expected Outcomes:
Objective 3 Increase the number of high-quality charter schools in Florida. Activities: Award Planning and Implementation subgrants to high-quality charter schools selected through a rigorous peer review process Conduct monitoring visits (50%) and desk audits (100%) New applicant training Annual needs assessment, develop training plan, and conduct training activities (5 trainings, 1000 people) Dissemination grants
Objective 3 Expected Outcomes:
Objective 4 Increase the academic achievement of charter school students. Activities: Dissemination grants Charter Support Unit (CSU) Trainings related to highly-effective instructional practices
Objective 4 Expected Outcomes:
Dissemination The Department will fund projects for the purpose of disseminating information related to the following: Highly-effective instructional practices (2+) Best and promising practices for increasing graduation rates, with emphasis on at-risk students (1+) Best practices amongst charter schools and LEAs through the development of an online learning community (1) Accelerated learning options, such as advanced placement and dual enrollment (1+) Teacher evaluation systems (1+) Instructional improvement systems (1+) Teacher recruitment and retention (1+)
Support The Department plans to provide comprehensive and ongoing support for charter schools through the following types of training: Charter Schools New Applicant Highly-Effective Instructional Practices, including partnership with the Department of Environmental Protection Need-Based, determined by annual needs assessment Authorizers Authorizing Best Practices, including timely distribution of federal funds and monitoring academic performance Model Forms Adoption and Implementations of Authorizing Principles and Standards
Waivers The Department requested and was granted several waivers to statutory and regulatory provisions: Extend CSP Grant project period to 5 years Allow charter schools to receive more than one planning and implementation grant (for significant expansion) Allow eligible charter schools to receive more than one dissemination grant Extend dissemination grant project period to 3 years
External Evaluation Thorough assessment and evaluation to determine if the Department has the appropriate systems in place to sustain and grow a high-quality charter school sector. What are the strengths and weaknesses in the Department’s CSP sub-grant application and review process? How can the Department improve its CSP application and review process to better screen for quality? What is the impact of the CSP funding on student achievement? What is the impact of each of the dissemination grants funded by the Department?