Progress 8 – preparing for the new measure… Tuesday 23 rd September 2014
Progress 8 Session Aims: Where does it come from? Why is it important for your school? What are the GCSE reforms? How will schools be judged using this measure? What are its implications?
Where does this come from?
What are the current changes affecting Education 2014 – 2015? Please discuss this with colleagues on your table for a couple of minutes and I will ask for feedback afterwards.
A Key Message…
Subjects Current plans are now confirmed for new GCSEs for first teaching in September 2015 in: English Language English Literature Maths New GCSEs in the sciences, History and Geography, as well as languages, are now scheduled for first teaching in September 2016.
Changes to Assessment New grading scale 1-9 (9 being the top level) Tiering only used where essential Linear GCSEs – exams taken at the end. Limited retakes Assessment by external exam only except where essential. First assessment of the new courses in June New GCSEs in History, Geog. and MFL start in September First exams in 2018.
How will Progress 8 work?
How Progress 8 is calculated Qualifications included the measures Progress 8 is based on pupils’ performance across 8 subjects, called Attainment 8. These subjects are: 1.A double weighted mathematics element that will contain the point score of the pupil’s English Baccalaureate (EBacc) mathematics qualification; 2. An English element based on the highest point score in a pupil’s EBacc English language or English literature qualification. This will be double weighted provided a pupil has taken both qualifications. In 2016 combined English qualification can be included and double weighted.
3. An element which can include the three highest point scores from any of the following: science, computer science, history and geography, and languages EBacc qualifications. For more information see the list of qualifications that count in the Ebacc. The qualifications can count in any combination and there is no requirement to take qualifications in each of the ‘pillars’ of the EBacc. 4. The remaining element contains the three highest point scores in any three other subjects, including English language or literature (if not counted above), further EBacc qualifications, other GCSEs, or any other approved, high value academic or vocational qualifications. For more information see the list of qualifications that will be included in the 2016 key stage 4 performance tables.
Worked Example A Table 1 sets out how the Attainment 8 score would be calculated for a particular pupil, Gillian.
Worked Example B Table 2 sets out how the Attainment score would be calculated for another pupil, Hardip
So what’s next?
What does this mean for the school?
Floor Standards – how will this link to inspection?
SlotQuestions All How many GCSEs do different groups of pupils in your school study? What proportion of your pupils study fewer than eight GCSEs or equivalent qualifications? What proportion of your pupils study five GCSEs? English Slot In 2017, how will your school manage the withdrawal of the combined English language and literature course? For what proportion of pupils is English literature a suitable course? Should all pupils be entered for English literature, so that their English language is double-weighted? Maths Slot Do your most able pupils sit a maths extension GCSE? Could your most able pupils sit maths GCSE in Year 10 and AS maths in Year 11 (as an A or B at AS level is worth more than GCSE A*)? EBacc Slot What proportion of your pupils study three EBacc subjects? Can (or should) this be increased? Should you encourage pupils to study four EBacc subjects, so that the best three can be counted? Open Slot What proportion of your pupils study three additional subjects that count in this area? Can (or should) this be increased? Should you encourage pupils to study four open subjects, so that the best three can be counted? Should the more able pupils study an AS level such as the extended project (as an A or B at AS level is worth more than GCSE A*)? Issues for each of the Progress 8 slots…
Other headline measures that will be used to assess schools’ impact. Attainment 8 – showing pupils’ average achievement in the same suite of subjects as the progress 8 measure. English and mathematics – the percentage of pupils achieving a C grade or better in both English (either Language or Literature) and mathematics. The Ebacc – showing the percentage of pupils achieving good grades across a range of academic subjects.
Questions to consider… What is the school’s current curriculum offer? How well has the school prepared to deliver the new curriculum? What changes will be needed? What are the challenges that this will bring? How will we know how well students are progressing towards their targets in my subject and across the school? What will we need to do to make sure that students make enough progress?
Good Luck! Keep your eye on the details and plan for success!