Tips and Suggestions for your Presentation to the Local School Board (remove and replace with Title)
Remember to Include in your Presentation: Names of Council Members Results of Needs Assessment Appropriate data for documentation of need (Smartrack, YRBS, Profiles) Recommended policy changes Grant opportunities/ Resources Successes
Other Considerations: Presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes Invite health council members to attend meeting to represent the school Take copies of updated wellness policy for review Ask for Board Approval Use information from OHS presentations available on the website at
Why? If schools do not deal with children’s health by design, they deal with it by default. Health is Academic, 1997
Coordinated Approach
Health Council Members: Insert your council names and positions into this template
Needs Assessment Instrument Insert the name of the assessment instrument that was used in this template: School Health Index, Mississippi School Nutrition & Physical Activity Environment Assessment, USDA’s Changing the Scene or other Insert the needs that were identified and documentation that supports the coordinated school health needs at your school
Recommended Policy Changes Insert recommended policy changes into this template
Grant Opportunities Insert grant opportunities here Insert Grants received here
Other Resources to Implement Coordinated School Health Insert your resources into this template Insert Community Partners Memorandums of Understanding Joint Use Agreements
Successes Insert your successes into this template Submit These via the online success reporting form at
Who benefits? Administrators Teachers Schools Families
Who benefits?