CCD Observations at Zimmerwald Werner Gurtner Astronomical Institute University of Bern ILRS Workshop 3-7 October 2005 Eastbourne
Station Zimmerwald SLR/ CCD GPS: IGS Gravimeter (ETH) Schmidt/ Cassegrain GPS/GLONASS Radar Temp/Rel.H LV95 Referenzpunkt
ZIMLAT: Optical axes Camera
Instrument platform
Object: 79105A Camera: CCD42-40 Field of view: 14‘ x 13‘ Date: 23-Sep :58:51 UT
7 geostationary Astra satellites (12x12‘)
CCD Control System ZIMLAS (VMS Alpha) Telescope PC (DOS) Telescope ZimControl (Linux PC) Time Server (Windows PC) Camera Server (Windows PC) Planning Tool (Solaris) Data Archive (Solaris) Camera Server (Linux PC) CAMAC PC (DOS) CAMAC tcp/ip ftp CCD SLR
CCD Interleaving with SLR u SLR schedule is generated and executed according to satellite priorities u CCD controller periodically requests observation time u SLR/Telescope controller grants or rejects requests depending on satellite priority and remaining pass time u If granted: CCD controller sends object positions or orbits to SLR/Telescope controller for execution u Operator (if present) can overrule automatic activities