\ 22 Experimental Investigation of Few-Nucleon Dynamics at Medium Energies Experimental Investigation of Few-Nucleon Dynamics at Medium Energies by Ghanshyam Khatri 1
\ 22 Outline Introduction Three-body (3N) force Experimental tools BINA Detector and it’s status at CCB (Krakow) 3N data base: present and future Results Conclusion 2
\ 22 3 Introduction
\ 22 4 Introduction Residual of the strong forces Nuclear Force holds protons and neutrons together in an atomic Nuclei
\ 22 5 Introduction 1935: Yukawa presented a Theory 1947: Powell proved the theory by experiments Today, many different Theoretical models are available to exactly describe the nuclear force between any two nucleons. Nuclear Force (Note: Nucleons is a general term for Protons and Neutrons)
\ 22 6 even for the simplest Atomic Nucleus e.g. 3 H and 3 He np-scattering nd-scattering Experiment Theory ̶ ̶ ̶... High precision data from Los Alamos W. P. Abfalterer et al., PRL 81, 57 (1998) Introduction …but FAILS to describe Interaction between more than two nucleons! Model[MeV] Nijm I7.72 Nijm II7.62 AV Reid Exp.8.48 Binding Energy of Triton 1935: Yukawa presented a Theory 1947: Powell proved the theory by experiments Today, many different Theoretical models are available to exactly describe the nuclear force between any two nucleons. Nuclear Force (Note: Nucleons is a general term for Protons and Neutrons)
\ 22 ….adding 3NF in original 2NF helps ! Model 3 H [MeV] 4 He [MeV] 2NF NF +3NF Experiment Three-body force V 12 +V 23 +V 31 =V theory 3NF = V 123 3N System + = ~ ?
\ 22 ….adding 3NF in original 2NF helps ! Model 3 H [MeV] 4 He [MeV] 2NF NF +3NF Experiment Three-body force V 12 +V 23 +V 31 =V theory 3NF = V 123 3N System Three-body forces in nature; example + = ~ ?
\ 22 ….adding 3NF in original 2NF helps ! Model 3 H [MeV] 4 He [MeV] 2NF NF +3NF Experiment Three-body force V 12 +V 23 +V 31 =V theory 3NF = V 123 3N System Three-body forces in nature; example But still there are descripancies between data and theories ! Need detailed study of 3NF. + = ~ ? Earth (and nucleon) are not point like but having internal structure
\ Experimental Tools Nucleon - Deuteron Scattering (Relatively Simplest but not simple): Elastic: N + d → N + dBreakup: N + d → N + N + N Very limited phase-space rich phase-space: a large amount of kinematical config.
\ Experimental Tools Nucleon - Deuteron Scattering (Relatively Simplest but not simple): Elastic: N + d → N + dBreakup: N + d → N + N + N Very limited phase-space rich phase-space: a large amount of kinematical config. deuteron-nucleon breakup reaction is best suited to study 3N interactions
\ BINA Detector Ball + Target E ΔE Wire chamber (MWPC) Beam Dedicated for few-body ! High-precision data ! TARGET Big Instrument for Nuclear-polarisation Analysis
\ BINA Detector Ball + Target E ΔE Wire chamber (MWPC) Beam Dedicated for few-body ! High-precision data ! TARGET Big Instrument for Nuclear-polarisation Analysis d p
\ BINA in Kraków Cyclotron Center Bronowice
\ N Data Base: Present and Future WASA 2013 KVI-2011 p or d beam data MeV/n neutron beam data Note: dot size tells angular coverage
\ N Data Base: Present and Future WASA 2013 KVI-2011 p or d beam data MeV/n FUTURE !! Few-body program very successful Krakow-Katowice-KVI collaboration, new Cyclotron at CCB in Krakow Energy Range of CCB suitable for this research (50 to 230 MeV) No need to travelling abroad, (US, Japan and now in Poland) Strong collabration with theory group of prof Witała in UJ, Kraków Future:polarized terget, opens a new line of research neutron beam data Note: dot size tells angular coverage
\ Results Experiment performed at KVI with BINA in April beam: deuteron, energy: 160 MeV, target: Liquid Deuterium Important Remarks: a step forward with 4N, theories are limited d + d →d + d... elastic d + d → d + p + n... three-body final state d + d → p + p + n + n... four-body final state d + d → d + p (+ n spectator )... QFS d + d → p + p (+2n spectator )... double QFS d + d → 3 H + p... neutron transfer d + d → 3 He + n... proton transfer Theoretical calculations Will be available for Two-body final states (private comunication With A. Deltuva) d+d - EVEN MORE COMPLICATED SYSTEM
\ Sept, 2014G. Khatri, MPD Symposium, Kraków all data Most basic analysis steps : Results 18
\ Sept, 2014G. Khatri, MPD Symposium, Kraków all data Most basic analysis steps : step 1: Presort Results 19
\ Sept, 2014G. Khatri, MPD Symposium, Kraków all data Most basic analysis steps : step 1: Presort Selection of the reaction-channels d+d →d+p+n θ d =20±1, θ p =30±1, φ 12 =180±5 Results step 2: 20
\ Sept, 2014G. Khatri, MPD Symposium, Kraków all data Most basic analysis steps : step 1: Presort step 3:cross sections OUR GOAL θ d =20±1, θ p =30±1, φ 12 =180±5 PRELIMINARY Results step 2: 21 Selection of the reaction-channels d+d →d+p+n
\ 22 visiting facilities, learned and gained experience KVI, FZ-Juelich, Lisbon preparation tests, liquid-target expert Grants: SONATA-BIS Preludium 7 (application) Publications & Conferences MPD FEW-BODY PROJECT Achievements 22
\ Conclusion and Outlook Current data analysis of 160MeV data on dp and dd reactions at final stage Theoreticians have been requested to provide calculations for dd reaction BINA has been put into operation in Krakow, two tests with BINA were done successfully, 2013 and 2014 Future: Polarised target, we recently comunicated with Japanese expert this month.
\ Thank you for your attention !!!
\ 22 Backup slides 25
\ 22 ….adding 3NF in original 2NF helps ! Model 3 H [MeV] 4 He [MeV] 2NF NF +3NF Experiment Introduction 3NF contribution Hot-Spot to see 3NF: medium energies ?! + = ~ V 12 +V 23 +V 31 =V theory 3NF = V 123 3N System
\ 22 Experimental Tools: Three-Nucleon Medium Energies Elastic: N + d → N + d without Coul. with Coul. Relativity Coulomb Effects small, located at extreme angles only ! Three-body force 27
\ 22 Breakup Reaction Kinematic Three nucleons in the final state - 9 variables Energy-momentum conservation – 4 equations Five independent kinematical variables: θ 1, θ 2, φ 1 2 =φ 1 -φ 2, E 1, E 2 1 H(d,pp)n 1 H(d,pp)n measured: directions and energies of two protons arclength variable S distance from kinematical curve D Three-body force 28
\ 22 29
\ Introduction Ab-initio calculations for light nuclei Courtesy S. Pieper, Argonne (+3NF)
\ Introduction Ab-initio calculations for light nuclei Courtesy S. Pieper, Argonne (+3NF)
\ N dynamics Three-body forces in a NUCLEAR system ! N N N
\ N dynamics Three-body forces in a NUCLEAR system ! N N N
\ 22 K. Ermisch et al., PRC 68, (2003), PRC 71, (2005) pd elastic scattering cross sections 34 3N dynamics Models vs. Data