PAXIS Peer Review The START network Edinburgh, 7 th October 2005 Irma Priedl (network coordinator) Regional Government of Lower Austria Veronica Lynch Scottish Enterprise & Lothian
European PAXIS / Start network Partnering regions & organisations Vienna Region (Lower Austria/Vienna-City) Regional government of Lower Austria (department of economy and technology) Edinburgh Region Scottish Enterprise Edinburgh & Lothian (local government agency) Greater Copenhagen Region Greater Copenhagen Authority (HUR) (regional government) Veneto Region Veneto Innovazione (regional agency for innovation) Hamburg Metropolitan Region IZET (technology and start-up centre for innovative high-tech-companies)
Content of the PAXIS start-up process - Spin-off sectors in new growth sectors Awareness raising & entrepreneurial education Feasibility of start-up mobilisation Preparation of the foundation Preparation of the company Support of start-ups Content of Start Facilitation & mobilisation Business planning Early stage financing Interna- tionalisation in growth phase monitoring of start-up process – service and financing
The challenge Strive for a Quick learning curve simple key transfer processes based on workshops and regular exchanges Transfer takes time it is a process: achievements could be measured through different milestones Define common themes of high priority Involve experts and program manager together from the very beginning
Transfer is a process Understanding of Role of partners in the region Understanding of regional context Exchange of experience and knowledge transfer Inputs for own region and workshops with experts Pilot actions to ensure quick results and show practicability Adaptation Implementation in regional (funding and support) process
Tangible results / Results in figures
Intangible results exchange network with complementary expertise in which we know who knows what - address book Understanding of different regional approaches and settings acknowledging those different strategies for solving problems more indepth knowledge to create success awareness raising for innovative start-ups using wider PAXIS network to develop projects and ideas
Added value for Partners & EC The PAXIS Label Learn from the best New crossnetwork activities for important topics Common projects with Paxis partners and other regions on EU-level (Projects developped/in pipeline) PAXIS community: development of common actions and European positioning around the 2 themes –financing –Internationalisation
Transfer of good practices Inventory of transfers of good practices including –practices from other regions that were integrated into a practice in your own region –practices from your own region that were transferred to other regions, within or outside the START network. A practice was considered to be adopted if action and work on the practice was integrated in the operation.
Transfer of 4 good practice cases based on partner experiences In the field of… … Internationalisation – Growth Toolkit … Early Stage financing – Proof of Concept … Facilitating the process in new growth sector – IT Growth House … Easy access to good practise cases – Monitoring Tool
Internationalisation - Growth Identification Tool Paper based toolkit – can be delivered in 15 mins Assesses the growth potential of companies Scoring criteria between 0 and 15 to indicate company’s growth potential –Ambition –Capacity –Opportunity Enables growth segmentation of potential clients prioritising 1:1 adviser assistance
Internationalisation - Growth Identification Tool Objective – Prioritising impact on the regional economy Delivery mechanism – Business Adviser Impact achieved – higher than average turnover and employee growth Transferability Medium – knowledge and judgement of the business adviser key Main challenges – policy change required Critical success factors – skilled advisers with strong business backgrounds Resources – opportunity to generate resource efficiencies Impact in implementing regions – higher economic impact
Financing Early Stage - Proof of Concept Objective – Supporting early stage research ideas from unis Delivery mechanism – 100% funding tool of €80-250k over 2 years Impact achieved – after 4 funding rounds projects funded, 340 jobs created. Transferability medium – only public sector will intervene as no ROI available at this stage in development of research Main challenges – funding the right projects with commercialisation potential. Monitoring of projects up to 10 yrs. Critical success factors – creating availability of funding, stakeholder panel and appraisal and assessment panel, Project Management Group Resources – funding, people and stakeholder support Impact in implementing regions – opportunity to create more spinout companies through fund. Significant economic impacts.
The IT Growth House in Copenhagen The IT Growth House opened the 3rd of March 2005 An innovative environment of 3500 m2 allocated at the 5th floor of the IT University of Denmark 4 elements: A Spin-off Experimentarium, where students and researchers are guided in the test and development of business ideas; A Growth Environment, where start-ups and established companies can rent a place close to the attractive IT research and education environment of the University; Projects of cooperation between University researchers and companies; Activities of Demonstrations and Exhibitions, showing innovative technologies to a broad target group.
The IT Growth House in Copenhagen a unique environment for students, spin-offs, start-ups, companies and researchers with an interest for and a focus on Information Technologies offers service, consultancy and an environment of growth being stimulating and inspiring for development and research at a high level encourage private companies and university researchers to work together in a multi functional environment has attracted both start-ups, students, researchers and established companies as Microsoft Technology Lab DK the creation of an innovative space for everybody working with Information Technologies
IT Growth House in Copenhagen Objective – supporting SMEs and spin offs in ICT Delivery mechanism – space and services in the university Impact achieved – after 1/2 year 80% of the space is rented, innovation and know how in one place Transferability low – complex nature of the process Main challenges – achieve the agreements between national and regional partners involved Critical success factors – percentage occupancy, number and survival rate of start-ups in IT sector, co-operation between science and companies Resources – public funding (mix of national and regional), private partners Impact in implementing regions – creating critical mass in clusters with positive economic impact, stronger link between science and companies
Monitoring tool for easy access to good practise examples Objective – easy access to good practice examples along the start up process Delivery mechanism – excel tool and indicator explanation Impact achieved – self assessment, knowledge of the region in start-up sector, good practice cases Transferability high – transfer of excel tool, qualitative and quantitative indicators, quick assessment Main challenges – inclusion of all the relevant partners Critical success factors – availability of data Resources – minimum time resource Impact in implementing regions – knowledge about strengths and weaknesses in the region, easy way to identify and present good practice cases regarding specific topics and phases of the start-up process
Monitoring tool for easy access to good practise examples Visibility of results List with absolute figures & explanations and graphs
Recommendations How to make know-how practicable experts knowledge exchange and experience users and clients benefit most from real expert experience - less lost steps from general aspects to concrete activities policy makers have to provide quick facilitation of results and know-how by implementing projects - to integrate pilot projects into mainstream programs
Support of start-ups Key successes in a short period – generating knowledge exchange through experts Transfer takes time Process - orientation No single/isolated activities Practice and Policy should co-operate Conclusions regarding the transfer process
After PAXIS The network has value now PAXIS is a sound basis for developing further common projects particularly in the field of „Internationalisation“ and pre-seed funding List of 20 possible project ideas for the follow up of PAXIS –Cluster and platform development –Regional innovation excellence –Identify and fund international growth –Uncovering new ventures –Technology transfer excellence