IT-University Copenhagen | Rued Langgardsvej 7 | DK-2300 Kbh. S Next generation educational games based on commercial game technology. Creating a prototype to explore design, development and use. One year ago I presented the vision and now it is getting closer... Vision Create computer games with an agenda beyond entertainment
IT-University Copenhagen | Rued Langgardsvej 7 | DK-2300 Kbh. S Growing out of international research Next generation of educational games Mix of competences: Game developers, researchers, educators and content experts Collaborate with companies Global outreach through strong network Strong technology and access to support Teaser
IT-University Copenhagen | Rued Langgardsvej 7 | DK-2300 Kbh. S Workflow Concept phase researcher & game developer Design document research, developer & content Prototype developer, advisory and researcher Evaluation researcher & schools Companies continue if project is viable
IT-University Copenhagen | Rued Langgardsvej 7 | DK-2300 Kbh. S Explore whether educational computer games have a future in the educational system and the form it may take. Explore, develop and implement a prototypical educational computer game examining the challenges and possibilities in development process and the educational use of the title Provide a foundation for a serious games industry through a prototype convincing other developers of the potential in developing educational computer games Research Goals
IT-University Copenhagen | Rued Langgardsvej 7 | DK-2300 Kbh. S Project: Global conflicts: Middle East The strategic levels involve domestic policy, foreign policy, intelligence, public relations and military. Here the player takes the position as Prime Minister of Israel or leader of the Palestine region performing strategic actions to further different goals. This is basically about statesmanship in a simplified version bringing the most important issues and areas to the player’s control. The personal level evolves around smaller, mundane events, and quests. These quests and events can potentially have the same influence as the more strategic decisions. An action on the personal level will can be scaled up if it becomes a news story or victim of gossip. The personal level will be around topics like find lost brother, sabotage facilities or marriage across religious divides.
IT-University Copenhagen | Rued Langgardsvej 7 | DK-2300 Kbh. S Global Conflicts: Middle East Ingame Screendumps
IT-University Copenhagen | Rued Langgardsvej 7 | DK-2300 Kbh. S Global Conflicts: Middle East Ingame Screendumps
IT-University Copenhagen | Rued Langgardsvej 7 | DK-2300 Kbh. S
Learning approach Experiential learning: Concrete to abstract Features: Audiovisual, safety, challenge, interaction, feedback Strong game universe: Compelling, realistic, engaging
IT-University Copenhagen | Rued Langgardsvej 7 | DK-2300 Kbh. S Teaching Integrated teaching approach: Game, background material, teacher’s manual, primary sources and encyclopedia Subjects: History, citizenship, geography, english, religion (Cross-disciplinary) Other skills: Problem-solving, critical thinking, ICT,
IT-University Copenhagen | Rued Langgardsvej 7 | DK-2300 Kbh. S Terminology/frame of reference Opposing views on content Time pressure (dev., content, iterations) Coordination process huge Technology takes much focus Hard to change design based on input Game understanding at all levels hard and critical Barriers not easily removed: teaching praxis, school structure, hardware limitation, curriculum constraints. Issues identified so far