Dash the greatest music magazine. This is Dash that I word so hard to make for the few past months. My music magazine is based for people that are interested in the starts gossip as well as good R&B and POP music. this particular issue that I did is up coming star of the season. So for my front cover I decided to put her as a Full shot, your are able to the character from the top to bottom, which is a good shot I believe for a magazine if you are trying to promote up coming new pop singer. The picture that I is on the front cover I took my self at my college, i had to ask the photography studio to let me use the studio to take some pictures of the girls that are going to be featured at my magazine, I did take a few pictures so I would have a selection that I would be able to choose from later on as I was making the magazine. After choosing the right picture i had to Photoshop the picture as there was a lot of black marks that was on the floor at the studio so I had to rub them out and also change the colour about as well as take blemished of her. Deciding what to put on the magazines front cover as the main stories. I looked at a lot of different magazines so i could have an idea what I might be able to put on the cover of my magazine. Most of the magazine that would feature on their front covers are different peoples lives stories some and the ones that are actually a music magazine they are mostly talking about the event that might be coming up as well as the event that already happened. Personally i do not read music magazine but I very into the fashion magazines like ELLE and VOGUE so when I was making my own magazine I looked into all kind of magazines just to see what difference I might between magazines that are gossip, fashion and music. I did not find a lot of difference the main was just the stories on the front covers.
As you are bale to pick up I do not have any other pictures on the front cover of the magazine just the main character that I will talking about in the magazine it self. I believe that if you are letting an issue out about an upcoming new pop star you need to make sure that the focus is on the character and they are the main focus of the magazine for that week. So having just that photo on the cover makes the audience reflect on the fact that this is the big deal of the week. Also having not as much going on, on the front cover makes the magazine look more professional if I was able to put some extra pictures on the magazines front cover I do not think that I would still have the effect that I was trying to give it from the start. For the whole magazine i used a lot different programmes to make it look what it does look now, I used QuarkXPress, and a lot of different Photoshop to make sure I got that effect that I was trying to get. I do think that this is the magazine that I would pick up of a stand if I saw in a shop and would have a look inside.
To match my blog I need to ensure that the blog was full of ideas that I had as well as all of the programmes that I used in the process of making my magazine. I tried to treat my blog as my diary and try to get everything in to the blog. So I did put all my pictures that I took for my college magazine as well as my music magazine, I also included all of my programmes that I used to Photoshop the pictures and edit all of them for both of the magazine’s. To make sure that the blog was always up to date I had to use my time effectively, so every time I had some new ideas or maybe I have learned something in class not only about a magazine, but also about the media that is put there I added everything into the blog. Looking back at my finished work I think I may have done a good job at what the out come was but I think I could of maybe done a better time if I had more time to do this. If i had more time to do with my blog, portfolio and the magazine I think I would be able to add more information into all of the. Looking into the music magazine and what it actually contains and how much work i put into it, I feel rather proud of the work, however I still am not a 100% happy with my content page I think I could of kept the theme that I have now but maybe changed the background and maybe added more text into it, I do like it that is not to full up with everything but it almost looks to plain.
Having all of these different programmes that I was able to use while I was in the process of making all of my magazines, I think that I would of not gone this far is I had not had the Photoshop as all my photos are Photoshop used. Quark also allowed me to make my double page spread which I would not look the way it does if I was to use publisher or some programme like so, I found Quark easy to use and very straight forward to use, as well I also used some of the different photo shops online to see the difference with the Photoshop that i used that was at college, the Adobe Photoshop, but because they were al trial you was not able to use the full features of the programme so I had to make sure that i had the knowledge of using that Photoshop and make sure that I knew how to make it work and make my pictures to the best sanders as I could.