Arab-Israeli Conflict “The reconciliation of Arab-Israeli conflict today is a distant reality.” How far do you agree?
Questions 1)What were the 4 wars that were fought between Israel and the other Arab powers? 1948 War of Independence 1956 Suez War 1967 Six-Day War 1973 Yom Kippur War
2) What did both sides achieve at the end of all the wars? Arabs – Egypt – President Sadat convinced that Israel could not be destroyed. Israel – economic problems – huge defence expenditure / pressured by USA to settle differences with some moderate Arab states
3) What were the 2 main peace talks at reconciliation? How successful? 1978 Camp David (near Washington) between Israel and Egypt – Terms?? Reactions: - Condemned by PLO & other Arab states - President Sadat was assassinated
1993 Oslo Accords between Israel and PLO Terms?? Reactions: Opposed by extremists on both sides Israel Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin (Labour party) was assassinated – militant Palestinian groups – HAMAS & Shiite Islamic group Hizbollah carried out terrorist acts against Israel Victory for hard-line Likud Party in Israel
Conclusion Breakthroughs in the road to peace. At least some were willing to come together to negotiate and concede to one another. Give egs. of concessions So is the possibility of reconciliation a distant reality?
Why peace is a distant reality? (I) 1)Religion – Jerusalem 2) History – historical events (wars) – Propaganda - “generations within the region had been battling with each other, subsisting on national images demonizing the enemy with atavistic abhorrence.” (Hinchcliffe)
Why peace is a distant reality? (II) 3) Politics – ruling elite on both sides dominated by people who possessed a strong antagonism against the “enemy” - manipulated the public opinion towards their own – support for war-provoking politicians - presence of war-mongers – vicious cycle of aggression
Why peace is a distant reality? (III) Military – any form of peace may result in a dent in the interests of many high ranking officers Acquired strength through aggression & conflict Career is dependent on constant crisis Defence expenditure in Syria - 18% 3.9% workforce in army – compared to 0.8% in the US.
Why peace can be a reality Economics is a source of consolation Law of economics suggest that peace is more profitable than war. Shrewd Jewish businessmen saw the economic sense of peace – potential markets for Israeli goods in the Arab world Willingness of the international community to promote peace – Why?