The Metric System Base units Base units Meters: measure distance Meters: measure distance Grams: measure mass Grams: measure mass Liters: measure volume Liters: measure volume
Measurement Area=Length X Width Area=Length X Width Volume=Length X Width X Height Volume=Length X Width X Height cc or cm3=cubic centimeters cc or cm3=cubic centimeters
Write the name of the basic metric unit to measure the following: Distance/Length- Distance/Length- a. From home to school: b. Length of classroom: b. Length of classroom: c. Width of notebook paper: c. Width of notebook paper: d. Thickness of paper: d. Thickness of paper:
Write the name of the basic metric unit to measure the following: Volume- Volume- a. Volume of bucket: b. Liquid medicine: b. Liquid medicine:
Write the name of the basic metric unit to measure the following: Mass- Mass- a. Your mass: b. Mass of a pin: b. Mass of a pin:
kilograms= __________grams liters=__________hectoliters meters=_________centimeters
meters=_______________kilometers millimeters= _________centimeters meters= ____________millimeters