Dynamics of Leadership in 21 st Century Schools Lane B. Mills, Ph.D. Associate Professor Educational Leadership East Carolina University Greenville, NC
Flatteners Collapse of Berlin Wall Netscape Workflow software Open sourcing Outsourcing Offshoring Supply chaining Insourcing In-forming The Steroids
87% of all youth ages 12 through 17 or 21 million teens use the Internet Of those, 78% (16 million) report using the Internet at school. Nineteen percent (4 million) keep a blog and 38% read blogs 49% of high school students have posted personal information on their Web pages such as name, age, or address – that could help a stranger identify or locate them Did you know… Source: NASSP Board Position Statement on Internet Safety
50% of high school students “talk” in chat rooms or use instant messaging with Internet strangers 65% of high school students admit to unsafe, inappropriate, or illegal activities online 23% of students know someone who has been bullied online. Did you know… Source: NASSP Board Position Statement on Internet Safety
Weekly Activities of Online Teens and Tweens
112 Million
200 Million Accounts
3 Billion Songs Downloaded
68.5 Million Videos
2 Billion Images
Six Key Elements of 21st Century Learning Core subjects: NCLB-identified core subjects. 21st century content: emerging content areas such as global awareness; financial, economic, business, and entrepreneurial literacy; civic literacy; health and wellness awareness. Learning and thinking skills: critical thinking and problem-solving skills, communication, creativity and innovation, collaboration, contextual learning, information and media literacy. ICT literacy: using technology in the context of learning so students know how to learn. Life skills: leadership, ethics, accountability, personal responsibility, self- direction, and so on. 21st century assessments: Authentic assessments that measure all five areas of learning.
Every student must be: A critical thinker A problem solver An innovator An effective communicator An effective collaborator A self-directed learner Information and media literate Globally aware Civically engaged Financially and economically literate Source: Partnership for 21 st Century Skills
Every student must be: A critical thinker A problem solver An innovator An effective communicator An effective collaborator A self-directed learner Information and media literate Globally aware Civically engaged Financially and economically literate Source: Partnership for 21 st Century Skills
How Do We Seek Knowledge Now? 2 Billion
2.2 Million
Portable Knowledge and Skills
Assessment will be different.
How might we as leaders work in these future schools?
What’s in Your Toolbox?
RSS – Really Simple Syndication
Self-Made Barriers
What will Leadership for the 21st Century Look Like?
Its About Headware not Hardware (Jukes, 1996)
Data Driven
Leadership will be at all levels of our schools and not based solely on position but rather on knowledge.
Dynamics of Leadership in 21 st Century Schools Lane B. Mills, Ph.D. Associate Professor Educational Leadership East Carolina University Greenville, NC