MathServ - Connecting Resources: A look to the future. Where do YOU fit in? Math Labs Conference August 6-7, 2009 Patrice Conrath Bethel University, St. Paul, MN
My Contact Information Web site: MathServ/home.html
Outline of Our Time My Background The Optimization Problem presented at the Math Lab conference in ‘07 Review of Communication Structures: Web Site Mailing List - MathServ Network of Members MSATA (Michelle’s session) Brainstorming, Comments, Ideas
My Background Bethel University, St. Paul, MN About 6000 students in all programs, 3000 students in the CAS My Position Associate Professor in the Math & Computer Science Department (4/7) Director of Math Services in the Academic Enrichment and Support Center (AESC) (3/7)
My Background Math Services: Individual Tutors – recruiting & training Math Lab: about 4000 visits/year Placement Testing: use in-house developed web based testing for students taking Precalculus, Calculus 1, & Math for El. Ed. 1 TA’s – recruiting and training
The Optimization Problem (’07) Maximize: (Math Lab) + (T.A.’s) + (Tutoring) + (Testing) Subject to: Constraints on Time Funding Issues Many Other Activities Great Students Through: Networking with one another!
Networking Ideas (’07) Get familiar with the MathServ web site Submit materials to the MathServ web site. Join the MathServ List Serve and initiate conversations Join the Networking Page on the MathServ web site Take part in the organization of MSATA
Communication Structures: MathServ Web Site, Mailing List and Network
The Problem & Challenge Influences on this optimization problem: Conferences – enthusiasm Yet, there has been low utilization of structures Need to connect throughout the year to maintain/increase the health, vitality, and usefulness of the community.
Action Point 1: Review of Communication Structures Have you used the structures? Why or why not? Is lack of time the main issue? Would the structures save you time? Do you have professional development requirements or desires? How could the structures improve to meet your needs? Suggestions and Comments
Action Point 2: Positions Which areas are most important? Are you interested in a listed position/area? Suggestions for teams, partners, or other structures Other comments, ideas, suggestions…
Rally the Troupes!