Department of Elementary & Early Childhood Education
EECE Candidate Orientation Welcome Opportunities Certification Career Services Placements Teaching Expectations Professionalism Evaluations/Chalk & Wire Diversity Survey Student Teaching Evaluation & Supervisor Evaluation Time with supervisors
Welcome Professor Beth Peery, Co-coordinator for Student Teaching Dr. Anete Vasquez, Director Center for Education Placement and Partnerships Dr. Gwen McAlpine – EECE Graduate Program Coordinator, Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education
Got Certification?? Kellie Oxford Certification Officer /Handout
Are You Being Served? Pauline Jones Assistant Director Career Services Center
Placements. Student teachers will not be placed in schools where they have children or relatives in attendance or where children or relatives are employed in any position. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, student teachers will not be placed in schools they have attended within the past ten years.
Student Teaching Handbook Everyone should read the entire Field Experience Handbook before the student teaching experience begins. The handbook may be found at the following under “Student Teacher Information”
Student Teaching Expectations Student teachers are generally expected to complete eight to ten weeks (40-50 days) of full-time teaching. The collaborating teacher will help to judge readiness to teach and will gradually increase responsibilities according to the competence demonstrated in knowledge, skill, and understanding to teaching. The increasing responsibility assumed is expected to lead to full-time, independent teaching, in which the student teacher will handle all the duties of a teacher. The student teacher will gradually assume the role of full-time teacher. Each day s/he will assume increasing levels of the teaching responsibilities. For example, a student teacher may begin by team teaching a lesson with the collaborating teacher. In this instance, the student teacher and collaborating teacher will plan together and perhaps even rehearse the lesson before it is taught. They may engage in joint evaluation of the teaching and learning that took place. Next, the student teacher may teach that subject or topic alone with the collaborating teacher providing constructive feedback. This will continue as the student teacher assumes more and more of the teaching role until s/he is in the full role of the classroom teacher.
Student Teaching Expectations The collaborating teacher will remain in the classroom with the student teacher as a mentor, providing opportunities to reflect on teaching. S/he gradually will become the assistant teacher just as the student teacher step-by-step became the full-time teacher. The emphasis is always on collaboration and partnership. Most student teachers are greatly concerned about classroom management. This concern is normal. It is an area in which student teachers generally have very little expertise. Teachers need to be concerned about positive individual and group behavior because of its impact on each teaching- learning situation. The process of enabling the student teacher to gradually assume teaching responsibilities is coupled with gaining confidence and success in classroom management skills. This begins with discussing classroom management with the collaborating teacher and observing how s/he creates a positive learning environment with minimal distractions.
Student Teaching Expectations Placement in a departmentalized classroom Teach the content taught by your CT Whenever possible visit other classrooms where the teacher teaches all content
Student Teaching Expectations Monday, January 9th is the 1 st day of Student Teaching. Check with you collaborating teacher for time to report or call the school office to find out the “teacher” hours.
Student Teaching Expectations Observed on four (4) successful lessons by collaborating teacher and four (4) by supervisor. (Two must be completed by midterm.) Complete ISLA assignment Complete Portfolio Narrative Complete the CPI at midterm (with your supervisor) and at the end of the semester All assessment instruments available at ts.html ts.html
Student Teaching Expectations Daily/Weekly Reflections (electronic is preferable) Upload two (2) pieces of evidence per proficiency into Chalk & Wire Portfolio Upload ISLA and Portfolio Narrative into Chalk & Wire Portfolio
Candidate Performance Instrument (CPI) Candidate, Collaborating Teacher, and Supervisor will complete hardcopy for Midterm, (by March 7), use as reference during midterm conference, and then the supervisor will input Cumulative CPI into Chalk & Wire by March 14. (Rubric #1652 EECE CPI Midterm Student Teaching) Final CPI, for Collaborating Teacher (Rubric #1645 EECE BS CPI Final –ST-Collaborating Teacher) and Supervisor (Rubric #1646 EECE BS CPI Final – ST- KSU Supervisor) will be input into Chalk & Wire by Supervisor no later than May 10.
CPI The rubric contains descriptors that describe the criteria for each level. With each subsequent rating beginning with the lowest rating of unsatisfactory to the highest rating of exceeding, the criteria show a progression toward more compelling and better quality evidence. Apply these criteria in your judgment of the candidate’s performance as revealed through the various sources of evidence. Additional information that follows each rating’s criterion is provided to help you make an accurate judgment. Candidates must attain at least “approaching” for all proficiencies to graduate from the undergraduate program. Receiving a rating of less than “approaching” on any proficiency should prompt a plan developed by the program area for remediating the performance. Student Teaching Summary Rating Form :
ISLA and PNR ISLA and PNR rubrics will be completed by the supervisor and input into Chalk and Wire no later than May 10. Rubric #1656 EECE BS ST ISLA-(Impact on Student Learning Analysis) Rubric # 1655 EECE BS PNR – ST (Portfolio Narrative Rubric)
Working During Student Teaching Student teaching is a full-time responsibility and Kennesaw State University does not support taking additional courses while student teaching. Likewise, KSU does not support employment during student teaching. Both could jeopardize a candidate’s performance in the classroom. Therefore, it is recommended that programs of study be planned so that student teaching is the last course to be completed prior to graduation and considered a full-time responsibility.
Professionalism Accept Constructive Criticism and Feedback Take the Initiative; Demonstrate leadership Work well with others- Be collaborative Manner of Dress Oral and Written Communication Be a Reflective Practitioner
Other words of wisdom Watch what you post on your Facebook, and MySpace pages. Remember this is a job interview. Confidentiality
Mandatory Diversity Survey Must be completed Dates TBA (Click on “Diversity Survey FY 12”)
Student Teaching Evaluations Must be completed by May 10 (Click on “Student Teaching Evaluation Spring 2012”)
Supervisor Evaluations Must be completed by May 10 ?hl=en&formkey=dFlOX3NVaWpodzd4 TFU3RVl0aUYzMmc6MA
Reminders Please make sure you have applied & paid for graduation Honors Cords will be distributed on the day of the ceremony Turn in copy of GACE Content scores to Kellie Oxford
Chain of Command If you have any problems Supervisor Dr. Steffen or Professor Peery Dr. Cope Concerns should be reported early. Do not wait until the last week of student teaching. This may be too late.
Register For Class Register for Student Teaching January 7-13 if you have not already done so. ECE 4473/section (Supervisor Name)
Let’s Have a Great Semester! This is the beginning of a wonderful career!