“Cave Paintings,” Lascaux, FRANCE, 15,000 BC
R E P R E S E N T A T I O N “re” (again) + “present” (to show)
Rene Magritte, “The Treason of Images,” 1927
“Selim II Practising Archery,” c. 1570 Nigari, “Selim II Practising Archery,” c. 1570
“Nefertari and the Goddess Isis,” Ancient Egypt, 1400 BC
Inuit (Eskimo) Dance Masks, c. 1880
“St. Denis Commissions His Biography,” from The Life of St. Denis, 1317
Fra Angelico, “The Annunciation,” 1440-50
“San Giobbe Altarpiece,” 1480s Giovanni Bellini, “San Giobbe Altarpiece,” 1480s
Peter Paul Rubens, “Mars and Rhea Silvia,” 1616
Gustave Courbet, “The Stone Breakers,” 1849
Étienne Carjat, “Portrait of Charles Baudelaire,” 1863
Auguste Rodin, “The Kiss,” 1901-04 Constantin Brancusi, “The Kiss,” 1908
a process that involves reducing the level of visual realism A B S T R A C T I O N (noun) a process that involves reducing the level of visual realism
Theo van Doesburg, studies for “Composition VIII (The Cow),” 1916-17
Paul Cezanne, “Mont Sainte-Victoire,” 1904-06
“Violin and Candlestick,” 1910 Georges Braque, “Violin and Candlestick,” 1910
Ikko Tanaka, “Nihon Buyo Poster,” 1981
Traditional kilim (Turkish carpet) from İçel Province, TURKEY, 19th century
Adnan Çoker, Mor dörtgen, 1995
Alberto Giacometti, “Man and Woman,” 1927
Wassily Kandinksy, “Composition VII,” 1913
non-representational (NOT referring to something seen) A B S T R A C T (adjective) non-representational (NOT referring to something seen)
Kasimir Malevich, “The Black Square,” 1920s
Anish Kapoor, works, 2009