Western and Central Africa implementation workshop Bamako, 8-11 March 2005 PRSP in WCA Recent Experiences And Proposed Strategy by Mohamed Ben-Senia
Farmers’ organizations, policies and markets IFAD involvement in PRSP in WCA status of HIPC & PRSP in WCA Opportunities and constraints for IFAD involvement in PRSP Proposed Strategy for IFAD involvement in PRSP in WCA Strategic alliances and partnerships
Farmers’ organizations, policies and markets Status of HIPC and PRSP in WCA 16 of 24 WCA countries are HIPC countries 13 past decision point 5 past completion point Total debt reduction US$ 14,5 billion (NPV) IFAD share US$ 82 million (NPV)
Farmers’ organizations, policies and markets Status of PRSP in WCA 6 countries have interim PRSPs 12 countries have full PRSPs 5 countries have submitted progress reports One country is preparing an assessment of 4-year implementation phase & updating its PSRP
Farmers’ organizations, policies and markets Opportunities for IFAD involvement in PRSP in WCA In all HIPC countries, PRSP is now the framework for governments and donors for pro poor policy and for resource mobilization and allocation Most common weaknesses of current PRSPs are within IFAD mandate (rural dimensions, participation of grassroots organizations, empowerment)
Farmers’ organizations, policies and markets Strategy for IFAD involvement in PRSP in WCA: Objectives Goal: Help make PRSP a more effective framework for reducing rural poverty Operational objectives: –Leverage capacity and resources to maximize impact on rural poor –Contribute to enhancing the PRSP process to make it more responsive to the rural poor
Farmers’ organizations, policies and markets Strategy for IFAD involvement in PRSP in WCA: Components An engagement in PRSP in all WCA countries High level engagement and support in selected countries A cross country regional support program focused on key cross cutting rural PRSP issues
Farmers’ organizations, policies and markets IFAD involvement in PRSP in WCA: Engagement in all PRSP countries Participate in key PRSP related events Monitor PRSP process and evolving rural sector policies (PBAS) Prepare/update COSOP on basis of PRSP Participate, provide support to policy dialogue at critical stages of the IFAD program cycle (COSOP, CPE, etc.)
Farmers’ organizations, policies and markets Strategy for IFAD involvement in PRSP in WCA: High level engagement and support in 5 countries Help align/harmonize the agricultural/rural sector strategies /programs (RSS) on the PRSP and promote/participate in sector program approaches (SWAPs) Formulate/update COSOPs within PRSP/RDS framework Help formulate and/or implement key rural policy reforms Design, fund, and implement replicable programs for rural poverty reduction Promote participation of rural poor and of their organizations in PRSP/RSS, monitoring, evaluation, and/or reformulation processes Help assess the specific impact of the PRSP on the rural poor and participate in PRSP updates
Farmers’ organizations, policies and markets Strategy for IFAD involvement in PRSP in WCA: Cross country regional support program An effective tracking – reporting system on PRSP processes in WCA with a focus on rural dimensions Systems and processes for dissemination of know how, learning-by-doing, and exchange of experience targeting key actors in WCA PRSP countries Collaborative action research on selected generic rural poverty issues
Farmers’ organizations, policies and markets Strategy for IFAD involvement in PRSP in WCA: Strategic alliances and partnerships Regional organizations / networks (BCEAO, REPA, ROPPA, HUB, FIDAfrique.) Selected multi lateral and bilateral donors as partners in high level country support programs Participation in donor alignment and harmonization processes