UN System Support to the AU and its NEPAD Programme Meeting of the Committee of Experts of the 3rd Joint Annual Meetings of the AU Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance and ECA Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development March 2010, March 2010, Lilongwe, Malawi
Outline BackgroundBackground RCM-Africa StructureRCM-Africa Structure Main AchievementsMain Achievements Strengthening RCM - AfricaStrengthening RCM - Africa –Effective cooperation among UN System organizations –Effective Cooperation between UN and African regional and subregional organizations –Institutional Support to the AU, NPCA, and RECs –Advocacy and Communication 10 th Session of RCM-Africa10 th Session of RCM-Africa –Issues discussed –Outcome and recommendations Challenges and ConstraintsChallenges and Constraints Way ForwardWay Forward
Background Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM) - Africa Mechanism established to coordinate UN system- wide support to the AU and its NEPAD programme, at regional and subregional levels –Minimize fragmentation and high transaction costs –Improve coordination and coherence –Help UN System to ‘Deliver as one’ in support of AU and its NEPAD programme
Structure of the RCM-Africa AUNPCA RECsAUNPCA RECsRCM-AfricaRCM-Africa 9 Thematic Clusters Cluster coordination 9 Thematic Clusters Cluster coordination SubclustersSubclusters UN System organizations & Organizations, AUC, NPCA, RECs & AfDB Africa’s Development Subregional coordination mechanism
Major Achievements Moved from inter-agency consultative meeting to a mechanism for providing coherent and coordinated support to African regional and sub regional organizationsMoved from inter-agency consultative meeting to a mechanism for providing coherent and coordinated support to African regional and sub regional organizations Beneficiaries-AU, NPCA, and RECs - now part and parcel of the mechanism, from what initially started as a UN affairBeneficiaries-AU, NPCA, and RECs - now part and parcel of the mechanism, from what initially started as a UN affair ‘Delivering as One’ concept gained increased acceptance with UN System organizations rethinking their way of working to move to a more collective approach ‘Delivering as One’ concept gained increased acceptance with UN System organizations rethinking their way of working to move to a more collective approach
Strengthening RCM- Africa 1.Effective cooperation among UN System organizations –Substantive support to the organization and implementation of cluster activities Notable example-Regional Media Dialogue on NEPAD (19-20 February 2009)Notable example-Regional Media Dialogue on NEPAD (19-20 February 2009) –Unable to develop business plan for RCM-Africa Hampering joint mobilization of resources and monitoring and evaluation system for mechanismHampering joint mobilization of resources and monitoring and evaluation system for mechanism
Strengthening RCM- Africa 2.Cooperation between UN and African regional and subregional organizations –Increased enthusiasm and heighten participation by members in their respective cluster –Intensified efforts by cluster to establish business plans to embark on interagency joint programming and joint implementation of specific projects 3 have developed business plans3 have developed business plans –Social and Human Development, Peace and Security and Environment, Urbanization and Population –Significant increase in UN support to areas of focus of AU and its NEPAD programme
Strengthening RCM- Africa 3.Institutional Support to the AU, NPCA, and RECs –Analytical Studies Assessment of the Role of the Private Sector and Civil Society in the implementation of the NEPAD programme, June 2009Assessment of the Role of the Private Sector and Civil Society in the implementation of the NEPAD programme, June 2009 –Shared Knowledge Consultative meeting to discuss modalities to effectively support AU in the context of UN-AU Cooperation FrameworkConsultative meeting to discuss modalities to effectively support AU in the context of UN-AU Cooperation Framework Briefing session on needs assessment mission to NPCABriefing session on needs assessment mission to NPCA –Technical Support Special Session of the APF on Climate Change (2-3 September 2009)Special Session of the APF on Climate Change (2-3 September 2009) AU/NEPAD Africa Action PlanAU/NEPAD Africa Action Plan Training workshop for officials from the NPCA, the RECs and other implementing organs ‘Project planning, monitoring and evaluation on implementation of the AU/NEPAD African Action Plan’ –early December 2009Training workshop for officials from the NPCA, the RECs and other implementing organs ‘Project planning, monitoring and evaluation on implementation of the AU/NEPAD African Action Plan’ –early December 2009 Open Forum on NEPAD, 7 November 2009 to enhance ownership and partnership in NEPAD programmeOpen Forum on NEPAD, 7 November 2009 to enhance ownership and partnership in NEPAD programme –Advisory Services Provided NPCA expertise in areas of Knowledge Management and CommunicationProvided NPCA expertise in areas of Knowledge Management and Communication
Strengthening RCM-Africa 4.Advocacy and Communication –Developed an advocacy and communication strategy for RCM-Africa Branding of RCM-AfricaBranding of RCM-Africa Exhibition to showcase cluster joint outputs and promote ‘Delivering as One’ concept (4-7 November 2009)Exhibition to showcase cluster joint outputs and promote ‘Delivering as One’ concept (4-7 November 2009) –Promotes achievements of UN support to the AU and its NEPAD programme ICE meetingsICE meetings
10th Session of RCM-Africa 1.Issues discussed –Achievements and Outcomes of the RCM and its Clusters in 2009 –UN support to Climate-related Actions at the Regional Level –linkages between RCM and the Regional Directors Team (RDT) –emerging institutional and structural changes in the AU and NEPAD –Review of the Ten-Year Capacity-Building Programme for the African Union
10th Session of RCM-Africa 2.Outcomes and Recommendations –UN System organizations need to work more closely with the different departments within the AUC to tap more effectively into the expertise and resources available. –UN Support to Climate-related Actions at the Regional Level Upscale funding for policy and capacity-building activities Establish and operationalise mechanisms to facilitate joint resource mobilization or joint budgetary contributions and planning Provide support to the Comprehensive Framework of African Climate Change Programmes; and AU/NEPAD climate change initiatives including ClimDev-Africa and its ACPC, African Monitoring of the Environment for Sustainable Development (AMESD), and Great Green Wall among others Anticipate and proactively programme to meet demands from member states and regional organizations for the implementation of the outcomes from the Copenhagen negotiations Mainstream climate change into the work of all clusters
10th Session of RCM-Africa 2.Outcomes and Recommendations cont… –Need for improved synergy and coordination to avoid overlapping of activities and wastage of resources by developing effective and workable mechanisms between the RDTs and RCM –Set up a task force to look into existing coordination mechanisms at the subregional levels and recommend options for establishing the sub-regional coordination mechanism, including building on existing mechanisms –Popularize the TYCBP at the UN, AU and RECs levels and undertake the TYCBP review and mobilize necessary resources from other UN agencies
Challenges and Constraints Need to develop common work programme, which reconciles member prioritiesNeed to develop common work programme, which reconciles member priorities Lack of RCM-Africa monitoring and evaluation frameworkLack of RCM-Africa monitoring and evaluation framework Need to articulate AU Commission capacity gap and operationalize Ten-Year Capacity Building ProgrammeNeed to articulate AU Commission capacity gap and operationalize Ten-Year Capacity Building Programme Challenge in establishing SRCMs due to multiplicity of RECsChallenge in establishing SRCMs due to multiplicity of RECs
Way Forward Financing mechanism to support functioning of the RCM SecretariatFinancing mechanism to support functioning of the RCM Secretariat Establishment of a M&E system for RCM-AfricaEstablishment of a M&E system for RCM-Africa Enhancing regular inter and intra-cluster communication, information sharing, consultation and joint planningEnhancing regular inter and intra-cluster communication, information sharing, consultation and joint planning Establishing formal linkages between RCM-Africa, SRCM and RDTsEstablishing formal linkages between RCM-Africa, SRCM and RDTs Actively engaging RECs as an important stakeholder in SRCMActively engaging RECs as an important stakeholder in SRCM There is a need for …
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