SAT -10 Its History, Current Activities, Future Direction Presentation to Principals, May 11, 2010 and Assistant Principals, May 13, 2010 Fran Clay, Glenn Heisey, Julian Katz, Kay Sammons, and Portia White
SAT-10 and MSA Both measure student achievement in reading and mathematics SAT-10 is a Norm-referenced Test (NRT) MSA is a Criterion-referenced Test (CRT)
NRT Characteristics Compares student’s performance to students in national norm group. Kubiszyn & Borich, Educational Testing and Measurement, (2009) Measures broad educational goals Usually lengthy in administration
CRT Characteristics Compare student’s performance to an absolute standard or criterion. Kubiszyn & Borich, Educational Testing and Measurement, (2009) Typically narrow in focus Typically not as lengthy as an NRT Allows more accurate judgments regarding mastery of skills
Associated Scores NRTCRT Raw Score Scale Score Percent Stanine Percentile
Correlation Study SAT-10 with Grade 3 MSA Performed using students in Grade 2 SAT- 10 (2008) and Grade 3 MSA (2009). Included only students who took both tests. Used Total Reading and Total Mathematics scores Positive Correlations observed
Findings - Reading 15% of the Grade students scored Basic on SAT 10 as Grade students (i.e., below 4Oth percentile). 91% of the Grade students performing at the Basic Level on MSA, had scored Basic on SAT 10 in 2008 (i.e., below 4Oth percentile).
Findings - Mathematics 16% of the Grade students scored Basic on SAT-10 as Grade students (i.e., below 4Oth percentile). 88% of the Grade students performing at the Basic Level on MSA, had scored Basic on SAT in 2008 (i.e., below 4Oth percentile).
Concluding Statements Students scoring below the 40 th percentile on SAT 10 are likely to score Basic on MSA unless there is some intervention. Other indicators must be used to determine the degree of the intervention.
Using Results from SAT-10 Mathematics
Clusters Content Clusters Number Sense and Operations Patterns, Relationships and Algebra Data, Statistics, and Probability Geometry and Measurement Process Clusters Communication and Representation Estimation Mathematical Connections Reasoning and Problem Solving
Format of SAT-10 Questions are read - Listening is key. Representation of Number Base Ten Blocks Hundred Chart Computation in context Understand the ruler - Inches and Cm Interpret Graphs
Resources for Teachers Warm-ups for Listening Examples of problems Recommendations Use hundreds charts during instruction Use manipulatives Applications of mathematics in context.
Examples for Teachers
Using Results from SAT-10 Language Arts
Areas Assessed In Language Arts there are four tested areas: Word Study Skills Reading Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Language
Vocabulary Subtest This subtest will measure your child’s vocabulary skills. Test items will include - Synonyms - Multiple meaning words - Words in context
Comprehension Subtest This subtest will measure how well your child understands what he/she reads. Your child will read literary, informational and functional texts.
Birds don’t like to eat monarch butterflies. Monarchs taste bad. Some butterflies like to copy the monarch. This is because they want to trick the birds into thinking that they taste bad too. Which of these sentences would not go with the story? I am eight years old. Some butterflies are clever. Monarchs might taste bitter. Comprehension Sample
Language Subtests This test will measure skills with capitalization, punctuation and usage. The Language subtest will also measure skills with sentence structure, pre-writing, and organization.
Language Samples Mr. McCoy is the principal of my school. Decide how the underlined part of the sentence should be written. Principal of my school Principal of my School The way it is On Thursday Im going to the zoo. I’m I am The way it is
SAT 10 Supports Web Resources to Support Instruction The Document Repository
Analyzing the SAT-10 Results Review the reports. Focus on the concept or skill. Verify this concept with other data sources. Evaluate the results in connection with test performance.
Table Chat How have you or might you use the SAT 10 results at your school? How have you or might you direct your teachers to use the SAT 10 results?
More on Finding and Using Results INROADS Accountability Reports Student Profile Reports The Sandbox Reports EDI Reports
More on Finding and Using Results SIP Template Reading and Math
More on Finding and Using Results School SAT-10 Group Report
More on Finding and Using Results School SAT-10 Individual Student Report
More on Finding and Using Results School SAT-10 Individual Student Profile
More on Finding and Using Results School SAT-10 The Sandbox Report