It Is Living The world & its morals are ever changing Man’s moral needs never change Many claim the Bible = a “dead letter” A “living God” authored a “living word” Heb 3:12 1 Pet 1:23
It Is Living The words in the Bible = the very essence of life Deut 32:46-47 Jn 6:68 10:10
It Is Active Origin of our English word “energy” God’s word constantly works His will among men…it is the “energetic force” behind His will being accomplished Isa 55: Thess 2:13
It Is Active The Scripture doesn’t just speak to the past…it also speaks in the present and for the future Heb 4:7, 9, 11
It Is Sharp Not just “sharp”…it is sharper than any 2-edged sword Same word found in Eph 6:17 It penetrates to the uttermost No part of human personality can escape
It Is Sharp His word is piercing Rev 1:16 2:12
It Is A Discerner To separate; distinguish between; sift apart Man cannot distinguish between thoughts and intentions The word of God can…even to the smallest of differences
It Is A Discerner The inerrant word of God (unbiased…totally objective) will not be fooled by man Man’s hypocrisy is exposed for what it is If man has no intention of complying with what God says in His word, the Bible points that out
What makes the Bible this way? v. 12 Some magical, hidden “mystical” power? The Bible is what it is because of Him who authored it v. 13
The Powerful God v. 13 Nothing hidden from His sight All things laid open (bare) before Him All things accountable to Him
His Powerful Word v. 12 It stands to reason the Bible’s power is directly derived from God He is living…therefore, His word is living He is able to discern man…therefore, His word is able to discern man
Conclusion Our reaction to this God & His word is the focus of our lesson How we react to it when we study it or hear it taught reveals our true character Some are so dull of heart, they in essence say “So what…?” Heb 3:12-13
Conclusion Some are so self-righteous they angrily react to it…blame the faithful messenger Acts 7:54 Some are so full of guilt & sorrow they react with joy…ask what to do Acts 2:37
Conclusion All of us need to gauge our own hearts to see how we react to this powerful word from a powerful God