不要懼怕 Do Not Fear Missionary Deborah Lee December 28, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

不要懼怕 Do Not Fear Missionary Deborah Lee December 28, 2014

There are many battles we fight inwardly and outwardly. As we submit ourselves to the Lord’s ruling in our hearts He will win the battles in us and He will partner us to win souls for Him in the nations. 我們的內心和外在世界有許多的爭戰。 當我 們完全順服主在我們內心的引領時,祂會帶 領我們贏得爭戰,並會與我們一起同工,在 列國中贏得失喪的靈魂。

I. Fear – not of God. 懼怕不是從 神來的 a. Satan – wants to keep us in bondage so he uses the mechanism of fear to keep us locked in darkness. b. We must say no to it and say ‘yes’ to the Lord

II. God is Love. Getting our inner man to be a dwelling place of God. 讓我們裡面的人成為 神的居所 ( 約書亞記 Joshua 5 ) a. The Enemies heart melts as they hear of Israel crossing Jordan on dry land – when the saints of God walk in faith the enemy will lose heart. Therefore not to fear the enemy but to obey the word of God then the enemy will continue to lose strength. b. Circumcision 行割禮 c. Passover (10-12) 逾越節 d. Captain of the host of the Lord (13-15) 耶和華軍隊元帥 e.Application: i. Eating the word we are killing our own plans and our sins against the word of God ii. The word reveals to us our sins, our own plans, our wrongs, our inadequacies, our pride, insecurity, shame, and fear – darkness in us into light

III.Obedience: Jericho - be strong and courageous ( 約書亞記 Joshua 6 ) 耶利哥城的順服 ─ 要剛強壯膽 a.Worship day and night – walk around six days b.Pure grace –the seventh time with the trumpet blowing c.Application: We all have Jericho we want to avoid in our lives

IV. Impact of disobedience – losing of the battle 悖逆的後果 ─ 戰敗 ( 約書亞記 Joshua 7:1-5 ) a. Stealing accursed thing in Jericho 偷竊耶利哥城當滅之物 i.When victory comes – we must be thankful knowing it was not because of our doing but because of His grace toward us ii.not found out right away but on the next fight it is found to be trouble in Israel ( Joshua 6:18) – not to steal God’s glory b. Ai 艾城之役 i. first time only took 3,000 ii.they lost the battle

V. Repent and pray 悔改與禱告 ( 約書亞記 7:6-26 ) a. Joshua rent his clothes and fell upon his face before the ark of the Lord he and the elders of Israel, and put dust upon their heads. destroyed among them. b. God reveals the reason – God said to Joshua, Israel has sinned in taking the accursed thing. The Lord will not be with them therefore they could not stand their enemies unless the accursed thing be c. We must stone the sinful nature in us to death by the truth i.brought out the sin – not to be offended when confronted with issues in our lives ii.admit it, ask God to help iii.Powerful to lose the grip of Satan on us iv.truth – true freedom in God v.Powerful to heal the land

VI. Instruction from God heard 從 神來的指示 ( 約書亞記 Joshua 8:1-17 ) a.before took 3,000 soldiers to fight the war but now 30,000 b.we gain understanding for we could see and hear

VII. Obey - the battle is the Lord’s 順服 ─ 爭戰屬乎主 ( 約書亞記 Joshua 8:18-29 ) a.Now the sin among them removed the Lord commands them to fear not nor be dismayed for He has given the king of Ai into their hand. b.Possess it

VIII. Blessing and Cursing 祝福與咒詛 ( 約書亞記 Joshua 8:30-35 ) a. They build an altar of whole stones i.The stones were the way the Lord had created them; purity and sincere heart like a child. Otherwise the Lord is not pleased. ii.Joshua wrote on the stone a copy of the law of Moses. Today we must write the word of God in our hearts. b. God will bless those who abide by Him and obey. He will fight the fierce battle for souls and give us victory in us and in the nations.

阿曼 伊拉克

Sharing about my journey in the Middle East thus far: I. North East Iraq among the Kurds II. Black Marble vision –African housemaids working in the Middle Eastern homes being witnesses for the Lord in those nations. III. New vision regarding business a.Need in the Middle East – education, health b.Plan for English and life training business in Oman IV. Purpose: to build God’s dwelling place in us and in the nations through our profession. Satan is our enemy and we shall not fear him for the battle is the Lord’s. He will build His church among the nations. V. Challenge to reach the Nations in America – ask the Lord to use us to love them.

約書亞靠近耶利哥的時候,舉目觀看,不料,有 一個人手裡有拔出來的刀,對面站立。約書亞到 他那裡,問他說:「你是幫助我們呢,是幫助我 們敵人呢?」 他回答說:「不是的,我來是要作 耶和華軍隊的元帥。」約書亞就俯伏在地下拜, 說:「我主有甚麼話吩咐僕人。」 耶和華軍隊的 元帥對約書亞說:「把你腳上的鞋脫下來,因為 你所站的地方是聖的。」約書亞就照著行了。 ( 約書亞記 Joshua 5:13-15 )