The Power of God’s Word Hebrews 4:8-13. Introduction-1 This passage contains a promise and a warning A promise of a rest that is ahead for God’s people-


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Presentation transcript:

The Power of God’s Word Hebrews 4:8-13

Introduction-1 This passage contains a promise and a warning A promise of a rest that is ahead for God’s people- v. 9 Like the rest of the Israelites in Canaan And a warning of failing to enter that rest Like those who perished in the wilderness because of their disobedience- v. 11 The basis for the promise and the warning is God’s word

Introduction-2 God’s word is not like the words of men Which may sound impressive, but often accomplish nothing The writer says God’s word is “living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword”- v. 12 It always accomplishes its intended purpose- Isa. 55:10-11 God’s word is sure Whatever He promises or threatens will happen I want us to consider that power in the lesson this afternoon

The Power of God’s Spoken Word-1 1. It has creative power- Heb. 11:3 The psalmist wrote, “By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, And all the host of them by the breath of His mouth.”- Psa. 33:6 2.It has sustaining power- The writer says that the Son upholds all things by the power of His word- Heb. 1:3 He preserves the heavens, the earth and all that is in them- II Pet. 3:7

The Power of God’s Spoken Word-2 3.God’s word has destructive power By His word the flood destroyed world- II Pet 3:5-6 He has decreed a fiery destruction in the future- v His word has miraculous power Demonstrated by Jesus many times Those miracles confirmed the truth He taught They indicate the power of the word that they confirmed God’s recorded word for us, the gospel

The Power of God’s Recorded Word It has saving power It provides forgiveness of sins and delivers us from its wages- Rom. 6:23 Paul said, I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also to the Greek.- Rom. 1:16 It tells us how to appropriate Jesus’ sacrifice It saves those who believe and obey it- Heb. 5:9

God’s Word Has Revealing Power The Hebrew writer said that it is “a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart”- Heb. 4:12 James compare it to a mirror in which we can see our weaknesses and our faults- Jas. 1:23 God’s word reveals our true nature including the whether our thoughts and intentions are right or not It also provides the instructions needed to make corrections

God’s Word Has Nourishing Power Newly converted Christians are like newborn babies They need to grow up in Christ- Eph. 4:15 Growth requires spiritual food God’s word contains milk for babes- I Pet. 2:2 And solid food for the more mature- Heb. 5:14 To edify, strengthen us to maturity and prepare us for Heaven- Acts 20:32 It supplies all the spiritual food that we need

God’s Word Has Transforming Power We are under constant pressure from the world around us to conform to its values and its ways But God’s word can transform us into the likeness of Christ That transformation begins in our mind- Rom. 12:2 Embracing new values, goals, priorities and a different attitude toward sin Followed by a gradual changing of our life into the likeness of Christ- II Cor. 3:18 As we follow Jesus example and teaching which it contains

God’s Word Has Prevailing Power Christians are engaged in a spiritual warfare with Satan and those who are serving him- Rev. 12:17 God’s word, the sword of the Spirit, is our only offensive weapon- Eph. 6:17 It is the weapon Jesus used to overcome temptation- Mt. 4:4 It will still defeat the Devil and his errors today Diligence is needed to use it properly- II Tim. 2:15

God’s Word Has Comforting Power It contains many exceedingly great and precious promises- II Pet. 1:4 These sustain us during the saddest and most troubling times Many people only turn to God’s word in time of trouble and sorrow It is a great source of comfort at all times It provides comfort in death- I Thess. 4:18 And contains the hope for an eternal life beyond the grave

In Conclusion God’s word is indeed powerful and wonderful It is perfectly suited to our spiritual needs We should appreciate it and study it frequently It is eternal and unchanging It still accomplishes God’s purpose today Its blessings and promises require obedience- Rev. 22:14 Are you a faithful Christian this afternoon?