N ATURAL G AS Not very expensive Produce least amount of Pollution of any fossil fuel Heats homes, cooking, drying clothes, and heating water U.S. supplies are endless Enviroment isues in places Doesn’t help with global warming and smoggy climate change Advantages Disadvantages
P ETROLEUM Fuel well suited for engines Delivery system established Sometimes used to generate electricity Increases dependents on other countries for supplies Largest cause of U.S. trade default Advantages Disadvantages
C OAL Enough coal for less than 250 years Easier to transport Generates electricity cheapest Still makes pollution #1 cause of acid rain Could kill plants Advantages Disadvantages
U RANIUM /N UCLEAR Can be used to make energy No air pollution No greenhouse gases A lot of safety issues Expensive If stolen could be used with weapons Advantages Disadvantages
B IOMASS Reduce landfill space Can be used for transportation Burning could cause a lot of pollution Advantages Disadvantages
PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS Uses sun energy No green house energy Expensive Some pollution Advantages Disadvantages
ACTIVE SOLAR Energy from sun Cheap No pollution Varies with weather Installing is pricey Electricity is needed to pump Advantages Disadvantages
WIND Can be used on a small or large scale Creates energy with no money No air or water pollution May kill birds and bats in there migratory flight path Advantages Disadvantages
PASSIVE SOLAR Reduces household costs Uses energy from sun Once installed no money Varies with weather Is expensive Cant work with to much trees Advantages Disadvantages
GEOTHERMAL Works in winter and summer Reduces household heating and cooling costs Permanent energy source No green house gases Some systems require electricity Is money to build new one Advantages Disadvantages
HYDRO-ELECTRIC Continuous water supply No pollution No greenhouse gases Will go with the weather Can change natural water flow Can damage animal homes Advantages Disadvantages
HUMAN POWER No pollution Good exercise Can be stored in battery for later Can be tiring Difficult for long distance for transportation Advantages Disadvantages
INVESTING IN ENERGY RESOURCES Natural Gas is not very expensive and produce least amount of pollution Petroleum Can be used for electricity and is well suited for engines Coal is way cheaper and we have plenty of supplies for a long time Nuclear contributes to no greenhouse gases and no air pollutants. It also gives electricity. Biomass will reduce landfill space and it will utilize animal, food, plant, and wastes. Photovoltaic cells is very cheap and it does not contribute to the pollution Passive Solar heats the water and is easy to build Active Solar reduces energy costs and the maintenance is low Wind is inexpensive and is a permanent energy source. Geothermal reduces costs and is a permanent energy source Hydro-electric is a continuous water supply and it doesn’t contribute to green house gases Human power is good exercise and it lowers the obesity rates.