New CSG Main Menu The * next to the ASR Order Processing and the ASR Status Retrieval functions indicates both are now available Verizon footprint wide! Use ASR Order Processing to create and submit ASRs for any state serviced by Verizon. Use ASR Status Retrieval to view or retrieve related ASR documents (CN, DLR, Clarification Request).
CSG SALI Page CSG’s English address field names now match ASOG 25 address field names. SANO was previously House Number. Other field names have not changed. Example: JS, JK CODE, SMJK
Wireless ASR Page for Verizon West Wireless ASR Only This is not an ASOG 25 form and is unique and pertinent only on a Verizon West Wireless ASR. This form can only be added if: the REQTYP on the ASR page is MD. the ICSC code on the ASR page is GT10, GT11 or GT12. the WST field on the ASR page is populated.