Here To Serve You WELS Women’s Ministry
June, 2002 – Brainstorming Retreat 10 women, 6 pastors Objectives: Reaffirm Biblical principles of calling of men and women in the church Brainstorm, clarify, prioritize ideas to enhance ministry of WELS women Recommendations to WELS Board for Parish Services (now Congregation Ministry and Support Group) for action
Women’s Ministry Committee Mission Motivated solely by the gospel, WELS Women’s Ministry exists to assist our congregations in nurturing, encouraging and equipping women to faithfully and fully use their God-given gifts to glorify God.
Guiding Principles of WMC Determined to let the gospel predominate Delight to teach all that Scripture’s principle of head and helper has to say Unafraid to apply Scripture wherever it speaks, but refuse to bind consciences beyond Scripture Help God’s people to remember we are part of a larger fellowship of believers
What Does God Say? Shared blessings, opportunities Unique callings of men and women Applications and challenges in the home and church
Women’s Leadership Conferences July, 2007 “A Leader – Who Me?” July, 2010 “Leading with a Christ-like attitude” July 19-20, 2013 “Equipping Women in Godly Leadership”
WELS Women’s Ministry WELS Adult Discipleship Congregational Ministries Team Communication Team Women’s Ministry Executive Team Conference Planning Team Website Team Theological Team
Executive Team Ensure Scripture is always used as the guide for all the work of the WM Coordinate work of all the teams Gathering and reviewing Bible studies by women for women Retired seminary professors provide final review Developing long range plan for WM
Congregational Ministries Team Provide resource and ministry models to create/strengthen women’s ministry in the congregation Establishing a network of women at the district and congregational levels to act as communication network
Communication Team 2 sub-teams of skilled volunteers: Writing articles/Bible studies/books for women, editing, proofreading Editing & proofreading Bible studies and other materials submitted to WM for the website; layout and design \
Web Site Team Design and maintain a WM web site our primary mode of communication
Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Co. 10:31 WELS Women’s Ministry