Fast, Flexible and Fluid? Stepping onto many a university campus in as the knowledge society gains momentum – a visitor from 1950 would feel quite at home
Leadership Challenge “The greatest danger in times of turbulence, is not the turbulence…….. it is to act with yesterday’s logic” Peter Drucker (1991)
Over the past 25 years USQ has responded consistently to the tyranny of distance
USQ discovered and responded to other predominant mindsets: Tyranny of Proximity Tyranny of Futility Tyranny of Eternity
The typical collegiate decision making process: Deliberation Documentation Reflection Review Refinement
Through consideration by a series of learned groups often including: A working party At least one committee Several Faculty Boards The Academic Board The Vice-Chancellor’s Executive Committee The University Council
Changing a university is like moving a graveyard it is extremely difficult and you don’t get much internal support
Denial Resistance Searching Commitment
Leadership Challenge “Technology is the key variable making possible, and imperative, the reinvention of the corporation” Stace & Dunphy (2001)
The institutional capacity to execute an integrated approach to technology deployment constitutes a considerable competitive advantage Leadership Challenge
Change is the only constant Proactive continuing commitment to change management is the key
In 1803 the British deployed a military attachment to stand on the Cliffs of Dover to watch for Napoleon: It was not until 1927 that the detachment was disbanded Napoleon Bonaparte died in 1821 Source: Stace & Dunphy (2001) Fast, Flexible and Fluid?