Dear Students, Now that you know what is embryology, I encourage you to read from the recommended textbook. Do not complain that the lecture contains only pictures. Listen to the lecture carefully!!!! Make your own notes by going through the books!!!
Understand the development of the the embryo Formation of bilaminar germ disc Abnormalities of implantation & trophoblasts
Blastocyst embedded Trophoblast differentiates Cytotrophoblast Syncytiotrophoblast Inner cell mass differentiates Hypoblast Epiblast Formation of Amniotic cavity Amnioblasts
Lacunar stage Formation of Heuser’s membrane Formation of exocoelomic cavity (Primitive yolk sac)
1. Hypoblast growing ventrally 2. Eroded maternal capillaries 3. Extraembryonic reticulum 4. Heuser´s membrane 5. Amniotic cavity 6. Cytotrophoblast 7. Syncytiotrophoblast 8. Lacunae, filled with blood
Formation of Sinusoids Extraembryonic mesoderm Extraembryonic coelom (Chorionic cavity) Extraembryonic somatopleuric mesoderm Extraembryonic splanchnopleuric mesoderm Decidual reaction
Bleeding at implantation site Formation of Primary villi Definitive yolk sac Exocoelomic cyst Chorionic cavity Chorionic plate
hCG – Syncytiotrophoblast Used in Pregnancy test
LANGMAN’S MEDICAL EMBRYOLOGY – 11 th edition CHAPTER 4 – Second week of development Pgs. 47 – 54