Web Page
Mr. Davis A.U.H.S World Religions I expected to create a web site that would allow Teachers and students to have access to a complete unite of Curriculum. This site would have all the necessary work sheets to complete the assignment. It would have links to some basic sites for information. My site has this information on it. All the links work with access to the handouts etc.. I did have some trouble with the links as they would work on the desk top but become inactive when up-loaded to the web.
Mr. Davis A.U.H.S World Religions The web page has all the relevant documents needed for this assignment There are links to some web sites for additional research for projects.
Mr. Davis A.U.H.S World Religions The students will be able to identify seven of the worlds great religions. The students will be able to recognize some similarities and differences through the use of venn and spoke diagrams. The students will recognize some holy sites. The students will be able to identify some of their basic beliefs and practices. I created this
Mr. Davis A.U.H.S. World Religions Creating a Web Page: Color Schemes, Text, inserting images, creating links, I became informational literate. Created word documents. Created a spread sheet with support charts. Put together a power point presentation. Evaluated my unit and made some improvements.
Mr. Davis A.U.H.S World Religions I have a list of films and stand alone CD that I use on this assignment. They are allowed to put together a presentation using a computer for part of their oral requirement.
Mr. Davis A.U.H.S World Religions This unit has been very successful in years past and the students have enjoyed it. I was looking forward to having everything available on the site for my student use. I thought it would make my life a little easier, big mistake. This is a very good lesson and will teach many of the objectives that are stated This years students seem far less motivated than in years past. They do not really buy into any thing. They are nice kids, they do not cause a lot of problems they just do very little work and are not too concerned with their grades.
Mr. Davis A.U.H.S. World Religions This group of students are a bunch of bums. They will do very little on their own. Unless it was done in class as a class activity most would not do it. The group part of the project has worked in the past, not this time. Most students just wanted to visit. Must create a one person part and put in some additional topics. Most students did improve from the pre-test to the post-test grade. We did have some good group discussions on the similarities and differences of the western faiths. Most students felt that some eastern faiths are not true religions as we see them.
Mr. Davis A.U.H.S World Religions The only revision I will be making at this time is a individual as well as a group project.
Mr. Davis A.U.H.S World Religions The students will take a test on some of the basic principals of these religions. –Origins, beliefs, text, symbols, holy sites,text, holidays etc... –The student will give a five to ten minute presentation to the class on one religion.
Mr. Davis A.U.H. S World Religions The pre test and the post test are the same test. While all student did improve on their overall grade the improvement for some students was not enough for a passing grade on the unit. Some students put very little effort into this unit.
Mr.. Davis A.U.H.S World Religions They work with a small groups. (3 maximum.)
Mr. Davis A.U.H. S World Religions
I think that this was a very worth while activity. I have learned a great deal about designing a web based activity. I know that there is now more resources out their for me to use. I think that a year is too long to spend on this activity.