Combining ict-based classroom education and informal e-learning in planetarium and science exhibition Athens 15th Dec 2008 Prof. Hannu SALMI, HEUREKA / Univ. of Helsinki
LEARNING BY CHANCE INFORMAL LEARNING Family Museum Peer groups Library Organisations Science centre Mass media www FORMAL EDUCATION School system Special Education pre-school primary school secondary Vocational schools higher university Adult education
Towards Open Learning Environment To create a meaningful combination of programmes (laboratory, planetarium, etc.) exhibitions internet - www classroom is clearly one of the main challenges of informal learning
Pre-visit stage: ict-based teaching at school
Visit stage:learning at the science centre exhibition
Visit stage:learning in the Planetarium
Pedagogical background: eLearning based on the evidence collected from the teahers Questionnaire for 225 teacher students in Dec 2008 for 200 in-service teachers in Jan 2008
Ict-solutions and open learning environments
Role of ICT ICT as connection between learning environments ICT as instruction tool ICT as communication forum ICT as media
Physical openness points out the accessible of facilities to be used for flexible teaching and learning situations
Innovative Learning Approaches Integration of other learning environments than the school Differentiated learning depending on different ways of perception From teacher-controlled learning to pupil orientated learning Context-related knowledge
Changes in Learning Environments Technological innovation New physical space Changes in roles and responsibilities of pupils Changes in roles and responsibilities of teachers
Combination of Portal, Classroom, and Hands-on Exhibit / Planetarium Physical openness Didactic openness Psychological openness Virtual openness
Psychological openness consists of the feeling of independence of space and time this feeling, that the learner can influence his or her own learning creates motivation for learning.
Virtual openness is created by using information and communication technology in teaching and learning process
References: Salmi, H Open Learning Environments: combining web-based virtual and hands-on science centre learning In E-LEARNING AND VIRTUAL SCIENCE CENTERS by Wee, L. & Subramaniam, R.Idea Group, Hershey, USA Salmi, H Science centres as learning laboratories. Int. Jour. Of Technology Management, vol.25, no 5, Salmi, H Science centre education. Research Report 119. University of Helsinki.