The Periodic Table Drill: What about an atom make it have similar properties as another atom?


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Presentation transcript:

The Periodic Table Drill: What about an atom make it have similar properties as another atom?

TOC Open up your TOC and write down “Elements” on page 8 And “Periodic Table Notes” on page 9 Open up to page 8 and title it “Elements”

Quiz We will be having mini quizzes on element symbols and names. Each quiz will consist of 10 elements You will get either the symbol or the name, and you will have to determine the other.

Elements H - Hydrogen He - Helium Li - Lithium Be - Beryllium B - Boron C - Carbon N - Nitrogen O - Oxygen F - Fluorine Ne - Neon

Turn to Page 9 Title page 9 “Periodic Table Notes”

Reading The Periodic Table

Categories Metals- a chemical element that is a good conductor of both electricity and heat. Nonmetals- not able to conduct electricity or heat very well. As opposed to metals, non-metallic elements are very brittle, and cannot be rolled into wires or pounded into sheets.

Categories Metalloids- the elements found along the stair-step line that distinguishes metals from non-metals. Metalloids have properties of both metals and non-metals. Noble Gases- The six noble gases are found in group 18 of the periodic table. All noble gases have the maximum number of electrons possible in their outer shell (2 for Helium, 8 for all others), making them stable.

Electrons Valence Electrons - the outermost electrons of an atom, which are important in determining how the atom reacts chemically with other atoms.

Family Family: Elements in the same column have similar chemical property because of similar valence electrons Period: Period: Elements in the same row have the same number of shell. The Period tells you how many shells it has.

Valence Electrons All the elements in each column have the same number of electrons in their outer shells. All the elements in the first column all have a single valence electron (H, Li, Na, K, etc.). The second column elements all have 2 valence electrons (Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, etc.). Skipping over the gap, go to the Group 3 elements, which all have 3 valence electrons (B, Al, Ga, etc.).

Valence Electrons The elements in the next column (C, Si, Ge, etc.) all have 4 valence electrons. The elements in the next column (N, P, As, etc.) all have, 5 valence electrons. O, S, Se, and the others in this column have 6 valence electrons. The halogens in the next-to-last column (F, Cl, Br, etc.) have 7 valence electrons. The noble gases in the right-most column (Ne, Ar, Kr, etc.) all have 8 electrons in their out except for He, which only has 2 electrons.