Учитель английского языка ГБОУ № 167 Центрального района Долгодворова Светлана Анатольевна г.Санкт - Петербург The Past Simple 4 класс
Sing a song of Sixpence Sing a song of sixpence, A pocket full of rye, Four and twenty blackbirds Backed in a pie. When the pie was opened, The birds began to sing; Wasn’t that a dainty dish To set before the king?
Tired, started, laughed, passed, learned, surprised, opened, looked Past Simple Tired, started, laughed, passed, learned, surprised, opened, looked Once upon a time, there was a very fast hare and a very slow tortoise. The hare always ……at the tortoise because he was so slow. All the animals were …… of listening to the hare. Then one day the tortoise ……..them all: «Let’s have a race tomorrow then!» The next day, when they…….. the race, the hare ………..forward. Very soon he was far ahead of the tortoise. It was a very sunny day and the hare was very hot. «There’s a tree. I can rest under it!» A few hours later, the tortoise ………the sleeping hare… Suddenly, the hare ……. his eyes and …… around. He saw the tortoise at the finish line! The tortoise was the winner! The hare……. his lesson that day: «Keep on going and don’t stop until you cross the finish line!»
(простое прошедcшее время) Past Simple (простое прошедcшее время) Употребляется для описания однократного действия или повторяющегося регулярного действия, которое произошло в прошлом. Слова- спутники Past Simple: Yesterday,a week ago,two hours ago,last year, (month, week)
Утвердительные предложения в Past Simple Во всех лицах используется 2 форма глагола. 2 форма образуется с помощью окончания –ed, например: Play – played Jump – jumped Want - wanted
Listen and repeat Chuckles painted the toy box, Lulu helped and danced around, Larry laughed and clapped his hands, Chuckles stopped and dropped his paints.
Чтение окончания -ed В зависимости от последнего звука основы глагола: В зависимости от последнего звука основы глагола: / t / после глухих согласных: helped /helpt/, worked /wз:kt/ / d / после звонких согласных и гласных lived /livd/ , played /pleid/ / id / после /t/, /d/: skated /’skeitid/, wanted /’wontid/
Обратите внимание на правописание некоторых правильных глаголов во 2 форме: Stop – stopped Study – studied Try – tried Cry - cried
Поставьте звездочку в определенном столбике /t/ /d/ /id/ watched cleaned invited invented wanted stopped
Exercise 4 page 93 Spotlight – 4 Read .Then put the words passed, closed, opened, added, started, talked, lived, shouted, danced, wanted, smiled, clapped in the right column. /d/ /t/ /id/ climbed watched painted played walked skated listened jumped visited served laughed stadied closed passed added lived talked started opened danced shouted smiled clapped wanted Exercise 4 page 93 Spotlight – 4 Приложение 4