Assembly Programming Practical 3
Jump statements Simplest form of Jump statement Simplest form of Jump statement –“jmp Label” Can be used to end a Loop Can be used to end a Loop Simply says: Jump to Label Simply says: Jump to Label
Equality Comparison Compares the leftOperand to the rightOperand Compares the leftOperand to the rightOperand Jumps based on Equality: Jumps based on Equality: –JE (jump if equal) –JNE (jump if not equal) - JGE (jump if greater or equal) - JG (jump if greater)
Fibonacci s 0 = 0; s 1 = 1 ; S n =S n-2 +S n-1 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 Display the first 10 Fibonnaci numbers using a loop and the operator ADD Display the first 10 Fibonnaci numbers using a loop and the operator ADD
Title Default Template INCLUDE s1 dd 0 ;initialise first fibonacci number s2 dd 1 ;initialise 2nd fibonacci number.code main PROC mov ecx,5 Loop1: ; finish the code here... (use mov and add) loop Loop1 exit main ENDP END main