STMAS runs FAA: surface analysis, CONUS runs: MIT and backup; 5-minute ASOS runs: w-asos/n-asos (OSE); CWB: CWB surface reanalysis; CWB real time full 4-D analysis; Typhoon case study; WISDOM: 4 runs: 2 large domains and 2 small ones (OSE); Hurricane study: Katrina runs; Windsor tornado case study: a few runs.
STMAS Tasks: surface analysis New development: better handling terrain, land-water, state variable correlation and balance, and possible MPI/SMS options (Yuanfu, Steve, Paul and Brad may help); Tropical storm relocation using NCEP method with bounded derivative principles (Brad et al.); Obs QC (Steve and MADIS team); Variational QC (open); Better background (HRRR, cycling and ingest, Steve): More efficient background ingest, parallel LGA and cycling model forecasts for better background fields (Huiling/Yuanfu and Steve/Isidora’s work on LAPS would directly benefit STMAS, help needed for potential modeling issues); Parallelization (MPI/SMS expertise and help needed, ITS?), on both multigrid analysis and LBFGS algorithm. Obs ingest of 1-minute ASOS (MADIS server and software); Inter-comparison with LAPS and RTMA (Ed Szoke), more detailed comparison needed, i.e. quantitatively; Precipitation estimation (QPE) directly related to RTMA (Huiling);
Ultimate STMAS 4- D projected Surface analysis Ultimate STMAS 4- D projected Surface analysis STMAS Surface analysis STMAS Surface analysis Obs QC Obs QC Parallel 1-min ASOS 2-km CONUS 5-min cycle Better bkgd Better bkgd Better Balance/c ovariate Better Balance/c ovariate
STMAS Tasks: 4D-analysis TDWR data for FAA (Yuanfu, Brad and visitors); Model adjoint development for all STMAS projects (Yuanfu and visitors, a lot of help needed, now some collaboration with NCAR/DTC); Satellite data for CWB (Dan, Tomoko and Yuanfu); Radar reflectivity for both FAA and CWB (Yuanfu and visitors along with Steve’s consulting, help needed); Hot-start into STMAS (Paul, Steve, Yuanfu and Brad, help need); New code development (Brad and Yuanfu with Steve’s consulting, help needed); Down-scaling using STMAS multigrid approach (Paul, Yuanfu and visitors);
STMAS Tasks: 4-D analysis (cont.) Storm relocation (open); Ensemble covariance (open); Hurricane work, mainly Katrina now (Huiling and Yuanfu, need to team up with Steve and Isidora); Windsor tornado work (Huiling and Yuanfu, need to to team up with Steve and Isidora); WISDOM analysis (realtime run) and forecast (open); Forecast cycling (Huiling and Yuanfu, Steve/Isidora runtime cycling will directly help; but more regional modeling issues require more help); Possible global DA development: GLAPS is on Lat/lon grid but dynamic balance is questionable. Icosahedron grid? Composite grid? Fibonacci grid? With model dynamic constraint? (open).