H ISTORICAL N ARRATIVES Historical narratives are accounts of real-life historical experiences, either given by a person who experienced those events or by someone who has studied or observed them. Two forms: Primary sources: actually there Secondary Sources: not actually there
I DENTITY AND I NJURY Christopher Columbus landed on a tiny Caribbean island, not the East or West Indies, in One native cut his hand on Columbus’ sword because he didn’t know what it was. 1 st recorded encounter between native people of the Americas and the Europeans
R EASONS TO C OME TO A MERICA To fulfill a desire for fame and adventure To find riches, like spices, silk, gold, and other luxuries To spread Christianity Christianity was considered the only true religion. Non-Christians were converted by persuasion or force. Those who rejected Christianity were considered enemies of God, suitable for enslavement or death. To seek religious freedom
S LAVERY AND E XPLOITATION European slave trade had been started by Portugal in the 1400s Slaves accompanied the Spanish and Portuguese explorers in the Americas. Spanish plantation owners tried to use Native American labor at first, but they could not take the illnesses or harsh treatment. Africans took their place. The English colonists also participated in the slave trade.
T HE P ILGRIMS In England during the 1500s and 1600s, a group of Protestants called Puritans led a movement to “purify” the Church of England. Separatists wished to withdraw from the church. This was illegal and worthy of arrest. One group of Separatists, which we know as the Pilgrims, moved from England to Holland and eventually made it to America. The Mayflower arrived in November 1620 at Cape Cod, which is
L AST S LIDE ABOUT P ILGRIMS While the ship was at Provincetown Harbor, some set out to find a place to build a settlement. Founded Plymouth Nearly half of the colonists died during the first winter. The rest survived because the Wampanoag and other Native American groups helped. The colony grew to about 300 people by Governor William Bradford wrote about the journey and settlement at Plymouth.
P RIMARY S OURCES Primary sources are written or created by people who have observed or participated in a historical event. Letters, diaries, speeches, newspaper articles, and eyewitness accounts are all examples. They are sources of factual information, but they also have opinions, biases, assumptions, and points of view.