Using Technology To Enhance the Social Studies Curriculum
Research & Presentations Videos PowerPoint Prezi PhotoStory Podcast Live Binder
Videos Use Movie Maker—Free on Windows Computers Use Flip cameras—very simple one button recording with editing software built in Most Students figure it out before you do!
Student Created videos 8c/United-States-Constitution-Article-1-Section-3- Social-Studies-Middle-School 8c/United-States-Constitution-Article-1-Section-3- Social-Studies-Middle-School cbe/United-States-Constitution-Article-1-Section-8- Social-Studies-Middle-School cbe/United-States-Constitution-Article-1-Section-8- Social-Studies-Middle-School 12f/United-States-Constitution-Article-1-Section-46- Social-Studies-Middle-School 12f/United-States-Constitution-Article-1-Section-46- Social-Studies-Middle-School
Student Created Videos ba3/Supply-and-Demand ba3/Supply-and-Demand b5/Civil-War-Video-3 b5/Civil-War-Video-3 f6/Civil-War-Video-2 f6/Civil-War-Video-2
PowerPoint Even easier to use Create with multi media features Students teach the class! Set information guidelines Facilitate research Fill in the blanks
Prezi Interactive tool Appeals to more creative students Something different Can put tons of information in a small space Able to pull up at home to work on it.
Photo Story Free software—installed on school computers Easy to use Add text, photos, and sound to create a “movie” Also convert PowerPoint slides to JPEG images to import into PhotoStory.
Podcasts Students could create a “radio show” and interview famous people or even report on a “live” event. t.mp3 t.mp3 odcast odcast Audacity is a free software program that can be used to record and edit audio.
Live Binders Free resource Collect and sort all types of material…files, media, websites and store it on the web. No more forgetting or losing your sources from the web Can be used by teachers or students
Interactive Tools Google Earth Google Maps Show Earth Virtual Field Trips Games
Google Earth Free app for your computer or iPad Visit foreign locations Sketch up used to create buildings that can be placed on Earth Use it for Geo Cache activities.
Google Maps View historic places ml#historic-italy ml#historic-italy View 3D mock ups of the Earth utm_campaign=en&utm_medium=van&utm_source=en- van-na-us-gns-erth&utm_term=evl utm_campaign=en&utm_medium=van&utm_source=en- van-na-us-gns-erth&utm_term=evl
Show Earth
Virtual Field Trips Lets you visit without the expense Allows students to become familiar with what they are studying
Educational Games Provide students with an alternative way to learn Used to enrich already learned material
Reflection Activites Blogs & Wikis Reinforce learning Provide a platform for debate Provide new perspectives Virtual Scrapbooks
Some Really Cool Resources social-studies-sites-of-2011-so-far/ social-studies-sites-of-2011-so-far/ strategies-technology-social-studies/ strategies-technology-social-studies/ studies/resources/ studies/resources/
Cool Resources, continued preview/ preview/