Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Affairs for Fossil Energy Justin “Judd” Swift – U.S. Department of Energy.


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Presentation transcript:

Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Affairs for Fossil Energy Justin “Judd” Swift – U.S. Department of Energy

International Carbon Capture and Storage: The Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum Global Task Force on Carbon Capture and Sequestration Columbia University New York, NY February 14, 2008 Justin “Judd” Swift Assistant Secretary for International Affairs Office of Fossil Energy U.S. Department of Energy

3 Charter Signing Ceremony, June 2003 Washington, D.C. International Climate Change Initiative  Facilitate development of cost-effective technologies  Promote technical, political, and regulatory environments to develop such technology Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum

4 Australia Brazil Canada China Colombia Denmark European Commission France Germany Greece India Italy Japan Republic of Korea Mexico Netherlands Norway Russian Federation Saudi Arabia South Africa United Kingdom United States …the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum CSLF Membership Roll

5 How does the CSLF Work? Two main groups: 1. Policy Group, which conducts the activities of the CSLF and governs the overall framework and policies of the CSLF, 2. Technical Group, which reviews the progress of collaborative projects and makes recommendations to the Policy Group on any needed actions. Collaborative projects may be undertaken by the CSLF as authorized by the Policy Group at the recommendation of the Technical Group.

6 CSLF Organization The Capacity Building Task Force for Carbon Capture and Storage in Emerging Economies is part of the POLICY GROUP

7 CSLF Emerging Economies  Six emerging economies are members of the CSLF. They are either large producers or large consumers, or both of fossil fuels, particularly coal  Widely known projections state that the increase of CO2 emissions, particularly from electric power generation, will be substantial as their economies continue to grow. Brazil China Colombia India Mexico South Africa Emerging Economies Member Countries

8 Emerging Economies in the CSLF CHINAINDIA

9 Emerging Economies in the CSLF BRAZILMEXICO

10 Objectives of Capacity Building for Emerging Economies Task Force Assist emerging economy Members to develop needed expertise and institutions Develop a set of educational resources that all CSLF Members can utilize Transfer lessons from CSLF Projects and other known Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Initiatives.

11 Members of the Capacity Building Task Force Australia Canada Colombia European Commission India Italy Mexico Saudi Arabia South Africa United Kingdom United States - Chair

12 Task Force on Capacity Building in Emerging Economies Melbourne 2004: capacity building activities first proposed Delhi 2006: First Capacity Building Workshop approved Paris 2007: First Capacity Building Workshop final details announced Invitations sent to all six emerging economy Members of the CSLF: Brazil, China, Colombia, India, Mexico, and South Africa. As member of the Task Force on Capacity Building, Saudi Arabia was invited to send participants to the Workshop The United States Department of Energy (DOE) made commitment to fund workshop logistics and provide in-kind support to organize event. Delegate expenses were to be covered by own countries or by DOE.

13 Workshop Details Held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 7-11, 2007 The 2 ½-day overview course was combined with the 2 ½-day 6 th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

14 Course Syllabus Overview of Issues and Need for Carbon Management CO2 Storage Capacity and Assessment Risk Management Carbon Capture Measuring, Monitoring, and Verification Stakeholder Involvement Legal/Policy/Regulation in CCS Economics/Costs/Financing CCS Projects

15 Brazilian Delegation Indian Delegation

16 Capacity Building Workshops: Current Results  First Workshop: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA - 50 participants from 7 countries  Second Workshop: Porto Alegre, Brazil participants from 10 countries  Third Workshop: Dhahran, Saudi Arabia – Over 100 participants from 12 countries Over 300 professionals have received CCS training

17 Moving Forward  Next Workshop scheduled for Capetown, South Africa, in April 2008 in conjunction with CSLF Annual Meeting  Petrobras to host workshop in Salvador, Brazil, in September 2008  Task Force is planning workshop in conjunction with 9 th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies (ICGGT-9) in Washington, D.C., in November 2008  Proposed future workshops include:  Mexico July 2008  India January 2009  ChinaApril/June 2009  ColombiaJuly/December 2009

18 Moving Forward (continued) ● The Chair of the Task Force, with the input of task force members, has developed a 2-year plan, to complement the original task implementation report prepared in August  Task Force plans to prepare core training modules for capacity building based on materials from initial workshops.  materials will be standardized and aimed at decision-makers from both public and private sectors

19 Moving Forward (continued) Some issues to consider: 1. Overlap of CCS capacity building activities being conducted by Task Force, APEC, and IEA GHG, EC/UK-China COACH, USDOE/China bilateral and APP, Australia/China APP, Australia/India APP, and others 2. Previous and planned capacity building activities in Australia and east Asia 3. Financing workshops continues to be an issue of concern and Task Force members will keep trying to determine options and available opportunities

20 Further Information Judd Swift, DAS for International Affairs CSLF Website: U.S. DOE Office of Fossil Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory