Reviews Ascending sort 1, 2, 3, 4, … Descending sort 10, 9, 8, … Greedy approach O(n 2 ) Selection sort Insertion sort Divide-and-conquer approach O(n log n) Merge sort Quick sort –2–2
What and How A computing problem is described by “what” and “how”, for example, Sorting is about “what” Merge sort is about “how” Given “what”, there could be many “how”. Primary goal of algorithm design Design an efficient the “how” that exactly solves the “what” “Efficient”? Space complexity: How much system resource it consumes Time complexity: How fast it solves –3–3
Search x from a set S = {x 1, …, x n } Takes n comparisons at worst Will there be a way to reduce it? Yes => Use “tree” structure => Use additional memory space to reduce the time complexity Memory or Disks become cheaper but time is expensive most cases –4–4
Tree and Binary tree A tree is composed of many nodes root node, leaf node, non-leaf node A binary tree is a tree that has two or less children nodes at every node –5–5 root leaf nonleaf leaf nonleaf
Binary tree Preorder: [4,2,3,5,6,8,9] Inorder: [2,3,4,6,5,8,9] Postorder: [3,2,6,9,8,5,4] –6–6
Binary search tree A special case of binary tree Left children nodes contain smaller value than the parent node, the parent node contain smaller value than the right children nodes –7–7
Search using binary search tree Search x from a binary search tree t If t = Leaf, t does not contain x. If t = Node(l,y,r) and x = y, t contains x in the root. If t = Node(l,y,r) and x < y, search x in l. If t = Node(l,y,r) and x > y, search x in r. Searching x from a binary search tree takes O(log n) where searching x from a list takes O(n) –8–8
Search using binary search tree –9–9 Type of search:
Inserting into a binary search tree Inserting x into a tree t If t = Leaf, then create Node (Leaf, x, Leaf) If t = Node (l, y, r) and x = y, then return t If t = Node (l, y, r) and x < y, then return Node(l’, y, r) when l’ is the tree with x inserted. If t = Node (l, y, r) and x > y, then return Node(l, y, r’) when r’ is the tree with x inserted. – 10
Inserting into a binary search tree – 11 Type of insert:
Deleting from a binary search tree Deleting x from a tree t If t=Leaf, then return Leaf If t=Node(l,y,r) and x<y, then return Node(l’,y,r) when l’ is the l with x deleted If t=Node(l,y,r) and x>y, then return Node(l,y,r’) when r’ is the r with x deleted If t=Node(l,y,r) and x=y, then things become complicated… – 12
Deleting from a binary search tree If t=Node(l,y,r) and x=y, When l is a Leaf – 13
Deleting from a binary search tree If t=Node(l,y,r) and x=y, When l is a tree, – 14
Deleting from a binary search tree – 15 delete_max type:
Deleting from a binary search tree – 16 delete type: