Implementation of Relational Operators/Estimated Cost 1.Select 2.Join
Sailors(sid, sname, rating, age) –Each Sailors tuple is 50 bytes long (fixed length record format) –A page size is 4K bytes –#tuples: 40,000 –All pages are full, unpacked bitmap; 96 bytes are reserved for slot directory –How many pages for Sailors? One page can contain at most tuples Sailors occupies pages Cost of Selection Operators
Factors to Consider No index unsorted data sorted data Index tree index hash-based index
No index, unsorted data Suppose R is Sailors Best access path: File Scan I/O Cost: 500 pages I/O time cost: 500 * time to access each page Complexity: O(|R|) Notation: |R| is the number of pages in R
No Index, sorted file on R.A Suppose R is Sailors Sorted on R.A Best Access Path: Binary search to locate the first tuple with R.A=Value Scan the remaining records I/O Cost: log 2 (|R|)+Cost of scan for remaining tuples (0 ~ |R|)
Tree Index on R.A Selection Cost = cost of traversing from the root to the leaf + cost of retrieving the pages in the sequence set + cost of retrieving pages containing the data records. Need to know –Format of the data entries in the leaf node –Clustered or unclustered –Dense or sparse Index entries Data entries Data Records Page (node)
Alternatives for Data Entry k* in Index Alternative 1: Data entry is the actual tuple o Tuples organized according to the search key value o Allow only one Alternative 1 index per relation A B C D E F G H I J K L 97 F, 10 G, 15 H, 27 I, 33 J, 40 K, 55 L, 97 B, 20 C, 33 D, 51 E, 63 A, 40 Root
Alternatives for Data Entry k* in Index Alternative 2: Data entry is o Ex. : search key value = 50, rid tells that the data is in page 1, slot 10 10*15*20*27*33* 40* 51* 55* 63* 97* Root A B C D E F G H I J K L 97
Alternatives for Data Entry k* in Index Alternative 3: Data entry is o Ex: search key value = 50; three record IDs 10*15*20*27*33* 40*51* 55* 63* 97* Root A B C D E F G H I J K L 97
Index entries Formats of Data entries Data Records Pros and Cons Data entries are typically much smaller than data records. So, Alternatives 2 and 3 are better than Alternative 1 with large data records, especially if search keys are small. If more than one index is required on a given file, at most one index can use Alternative 1; the rest must use Alternatives 2 or 3. Alternative 3 is more compact than Alternative 2, but leads to variable sized data entries even if search keys are of fixed length.
Index entries Data entries direct search for (Index File) (Data file) Data Records data entries Data entries Data Records DENSE INDEXSPARSE INDEX Dense or Sparse Dense: At least one data entry per data record Sparse: At least one data entry per block/page Pros and Cons: Dense: less space-efficient, but great for both equality and range search Sparse: more space-efficient, but need sequential search within a page
Dense or Sparse 10*15*20*27*33* 40* 51* 55* 63* 97* Root A B C D E F G H I J K L 97
Dense or Sparse Root A B C D E F G H I J K L 97
Clustered or Unclustered Clustered Index : The ordering of data records is organized the same as or close to the ordering of data entries in the index Sparse index is always clustered (why?) A clustered index does not have to be sparse (why?) Pros and Cons: Clustered: maintenance cost high, but great for range search Unclustered: low maintenance cost, but high retrieval cost Retrieving one record may need to load one page
Index Classification Primary vs. secondary: If search key contains primary key, then called primary index. – Unique index: Search key contains a candidate key. – Non-unique index: Search key is a non-candidate attribute o Multiple records may be associated with a same attribute value
Support equality and range-searches efficiently Balanced tree Search/Insert/delete at log F N cost (F = fanout, N = # leaf pages) F => 100 The cost of traversing from root to data entries is usually regarded as 4 Minimum 50% occupancy (except for root). Each node except root contains d <= m <= 2d entries. The root node contains 1<= m <= 2d entries. The parameter d is called the order of the tree. Index Entries Data Entries ("Sequence set") (Direct search) B + Tree: the Most Widely Used Index for RDBMS doubly linked (why?)
B+ Tree Example Search begins at root, and key comparisons direct it to a leaf. Search for tuples whose search key = 15 Follow the left pointer if the desired value is less than the value in the node Otherwise, follow the right pointer Root * 3*5* 7*14*16* 19*20*22*24*27* 29*33*34* 38* 39* 13
B+ Tree Example Root * 3*5* 7*14*16* 19*20*22*24*27* 29*33*34* 38* 39* 13 dense sparse
Dense/Sparse Clustered/Unclustered Root * 3*5* 7*14*16* 19*20*22*24*27* 29*33*34* 38* 39* 13
B + Tree Index on R.A –Format of data entry: alternative 2 –Size of data entry = 20 bytes; –Page size=4K bytes; 96 bytes are reserved –Total number of records = 100,000; record size = 40 bytes –Reduction Factor = 0.1 #matching entries/#total entries Total Cost = Cost of traversing from the root to the leaf (assume 4 I/Os) + Cost of retrieving the pages in the sequence set + the cost of retrieving pages containing the data records
B + tree, Alternative 2, dense, unclustered I/O cost of retrieving pages of qualifying data entries –Matching data entries: 0.1*100000=10,000 entries –#Date entries per page: –Pages of matching data entries = 10000/200 = 50 pages I/O cost of retrieving qualifying tuples –10,000 pages since the index is unclustered, the qualifying tuples are not always in the same order as the data entries. –In the worst case, for each qualifying data entry, one I/O is needed Total I/O Cost = ,000 pages Data Records UNCLUSTERED INDEX Data entries Format of data entry: alternative 2 Size of data entry = 20 bytes; Page size=4K bytes; 96 bytes are reserved Total number of records = 100,000; record size = 40 bytes Reduction Factor = 0.1
B + tree, Alternative 2, dense, clustered I/O cost of retrieving pages of qualifying data entries –Matching data entries: 0.1*100000=10000 entries –#Date entries per page: –#Pages of matching data entries = I/O cost of retrieving qualifying tuples –#Matching tuples: –Since the index is dense and clustered, the qualifying tuples are also clustered –# pages: 10000/100=100 due to ( )/40=100 tuples per page Total I/O Cost = pages Data entries Data Records CLUSTERED INDEX
B + tree, Alternative 2, sparse (must be clustered) I/O cost of retrieving qualifying tuples –#Matching tuples: 0.1*100,000=10,000 –Since the index is clustered, the qualifying tuples are also clustered –# pages: due to 100 tuples per page I/O cost of retrieving pages of qualifying data entries –Matching data pages: 100 –#Data entries per page: –#Pages of matching data entries = =1 page Total I/O Cost = pages Data entries Data Records CLUSTERED INDEX SPARSE INDEX Each entry links to one page
Hash-based Index Hash-based index on A is good for equality search on attribute A –Usually cannot support range search
Data File Ashby, 25, 3000 Smith, 44, 3000 Bristow, 30, 2007 Basu, 33, 4003 Cass, 50, 5004 Tracy, 44, 5004 Daniels, 22, 6003 Jones, 40, 6003 h2 sal h2(sal)=00 h2(sal)=11 Hashed index Data entries Data records I/O costs 1)Cost for retrieving the matching data entries 2)Cost for retrieving the qualifying tuples
I/O cost = cost for retrieving the matching data entries + cost for retrieving the qualifying tuples I/O cost of retrieving pages of matching data entries –Matching data entries: 0.1*100000=10000 entries –I/O cost = 10000*1.2 = I/Os I/O cost for retrieving the qualifying tuples = I/Os Total cost = = I/Os Total number of records: 100,000 Reduction Factor: 0.1 Cost for searching the matching data entry: 1.2 I/O Assume dense and unclustered
Factors to Consider No index unsorted data sorted data Index tree index hash-based index