I heard it through the Grapevine….PIM 29 Presented by Gladys Right and the PIMS
The Top 5 Reasons to Read the PIM No. 5 – It’s great reading for those bathroom breaks. No. 4 – Medical studies have shown it’s a guaranteed cure for insomnia. No. 3 – It’s almost as fun as reading the tax code. No. 2 – What else is there to do all day at work.
…And the Number One reason for reading the PIM… Because it’s about as exciting as watching the Quarter Finals of last year’s Curling match.
Delegated Authority 1.2 a. Goods. The general delegation threshold for the purchase of goods including printing is $50,000. Requirements over the agency’s delegated authority shall be forwarded to DGS/DPS for processing. Purchases from state contracts are unlimited except for limitations on specific contracts.
Delegated Authority Agencies and institutions utilizing DGS’ central electronic procurement system beginning at the point of requisitioning for all procurement actions including, but not limited to, technology, transportation & construction, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Division (Code of Virginia, § ) may request an increase in delegated procurement authority.
Annex 1-A To request increased Delegated Procurement Authority to $100,000 complete Annex 1-A and submit to DPS
Annex 1-B To request Unlimited Delegated Procurement Authority complete Annex 1-B and submit to DPS.
Bid Bond Changes: $100,000 to $500, a. the minimum amount requiring bid bonds 3.2 a. (2) the maximum amount where agencies have the option of requiring bid bonds 3.2 a. (3) contractors must be prequalified if bond requirements are waived between $100,000 and $500,000.
Bid Bond Changes: $100,000 to $500, b. (1) the minimum amount requiring performance and payment bonds 3.2 b. (3) the maximum amount where agencies have the option of requiring payment and performance bonds 3.2 b. (5) contractors must be prequalified if bond requirements are waived above $100,000 up to $500, c. the minimum amount requiring bonds on non- transportation related construction projects
3.5 Contract Modification Purchases up to $50,000 – Changes may not exceed 25% of original contract price without advance written approval of the agency head. Purchases over$50,000 – No fixed price contract may be increased by more than 25% of the original contract amount or $50,000 whichever is greater, without advance written approval of the Governor or designee.
3.7 Cooperatives DPS will provide value added services and serve as clearinghouse for all cooperatives State Contracts listing - one point of access DPS must approve any fees, incentives or other financial terms associated with cooperatives
3.7 Cooperatives Commonwealth Cooperatives can be used if no DGS/DPS contract exists they are awarded by Commonwealth agencies the agency participated in solicitation or it was conducted on behalf of other public bodies the contract is posted on the eVA Contracts listing the contractor is in eVA and agrees to Commonwealth’s T&C For Exemption Requests: use Annex 13-D
3.7 Cooperatives Non-Commonwealth Cooperatives Must be approved in writing by DPS – Posted on eVA State Contracts listing to ensure public visibility of terms and pricing – Fair and reasonable prices – VA businesses had opportunity to participate – Contractors are eVA registered – Contractors agree to our terms and requirements For Exemption Requests: use Annex 13-D
Price Matching Preferences If the lowest responsive and responsible bidder is a resident of any other state and such state under it’s laws allows a resident contractor of that state a price-matching preference, a like preference shall be allowed to bidders who are residents of Virginia.
3.18 Publicly Posted Notices Required Posting in eVA VBO – IFB – RFP – Sole Source Award Notice – Emergency Award Notice Must Include Access to Electronic Version
3.18 Publicly Posted Notices Required Posting on eVA VBO All Written Informal Solicitations over $5K QQ meets posting requirement 10 Day Posting – IFB and RFP
Used Equipment 4.17 b. Upon a determination in writing that the price is fair and reasonable for used equipment meeting the agency’s needs, a contract may be noncompetitively negotiated and awarded up to $30,000 (see 1.5 b.(3)).
Small Purchase APSPM-Chapter 5- The VPPA has increased the small purchase limit to $100,000. State agencies request increased delegation from DPS. Procurements up to $50,000 shall be set-aside exclusively for DMBE-certified small businesses. Over $50,000 is optional.
Small Purchase 5.6 c – eVA VBO advertising is required over $5,000. Quick Quote meets the posting requirement. Informal bids or proposals over $5,000 are required to be posted on VBO. The previous limit for posting was $50,000.
Threshold raised to $100,000 IFB (Chapter ) RFP (Chapter g)
Sole Source and Emergency Procurement Posting 8.5 Posting Requirements. All sole source procurement award notices shall be posted on eVA (Code of Virginia, § ) and at a minimum state that only one source was determined to be practicably available and must also state that which is being procured, the contractor selected, and the date on which the contract was or will be awarded (see 3.18). Public award notices may be posted at locations in addition to posting on eVA VBO, at the discretion of the entity (public posting notice board, entity website, newspaper, etc.) but if posted in additional locations, the form in Annex 8-E should be used.
Sole Source and Emergency Procurement Posting 9.3 b. Posting Requirements. Issue, post and/or publish required written notice. All emergency notices shall be posted on the DGS/DPS eVA VBO and at a minimum state that the procurement has been declared an emergency and must also state that which is being procured, the contractor selected, and the date on which the contract was or will be awarded. Notice may also be published in the newspaper (Code of Virginia, ). See 3.18 for further guidance and for instructions for uploading procurement notices. See Annex 9-B for the proper form for internal posting, if desired.
8.7 Alternative Procurements Goods & services from charitable organizations If a payment is declared unconstitutional for any reason but could be constitutionally procured May be procured as sole source with Agency head or a direct report’s approval Notice of Contract Award, Annex 8-F Exempt from eVA
14.5g QQ Not Used Over $100,000 Quick Quote Shall Not Be Used For Solicitations over $100,000
T’s and C’s General Term and Condition, U-Announcement of Award- Removed the over $50,000 requirement for posting. X-eVA Business-To-Government Vendor Registration- Updates to eVA transaction fees.
T’s and C’s Special Terms and Conditions 59. eVA Business-To-Government Contracts and Orders-updates the eVA transaction fees.
T’s and C’s Special Terms and Conditions: 7. Award, J and K: Allows “Award to Other Than the Lowest Priced Bidders or Offerors” in informal solicitations for bids or proposals over $50,000. This previously applied only to IFB’s and RFP’s.