National Registration and Accreditation Scheme 2010 Presented by: Michelle Thomas
Why national registration? Protection of the public Workforce mobility Access to services provided by health practitioners To enable the continuous development of a flexible, responsive [innovative] and sustainable Australian health workforce
National Registration and Accreditation Scheme National system for health practitioner regulation Public national register for 10 health professions Independence of course accreditation Functions (NB already the case in Victoria) National boards to exercise regulatory functions Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) provides operation side
Four new health professions to be covered in 2012 National Registration and Accreditation Scheme Medical practitioners Nurses and Midwives Pharmacists Physiotherapists Podiatrists Psychologists Osteopaths Chiropractors Optometrists Dentists (including dental hygienists, dental prosthetists and therapists)
Key New Elements Criminal history and identity checks Mandatory reporting Professional indemnity insurance Student registration Independent course accreditation processes Complaints access for health consumers Mandatory continuing professional development
* All nurses to receive a letter at the end March. Fees advised here Changes for Nurses and Midwives Registration cost – unknown* Renewal date – 31 May commencing 2011 Renewal period – 12 months + one month Two registers:- Nursing (RN and EN) & Midwifery Nurses Board of Victoria (NBV) will become a state committee of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia
Registration Standards Criminal history Same standards for all health professions English language skills Initial course not taught or assessed in English IELTS 7 or OET B Professional indemnity insurance arrangements Self declaration Continuing Professional Development (CPD) 20 hours annually If endorsed 10 hours of the 20 hours must be related to endorsement Evidence verified Mandatory activities can be included
Registration Standards Recency of Practice Five year period Practice period of three months full time over five years or equivalent Endorsement Standards Nurse practitioner Scheduled medicines (eligible midwives) Scheduled medicines (registered nurse)
Criminal History and Identity Checks From 1 July 2010 boards to complete criminal and identity history checks for all health practitioners registering for the first time in Australia All other registrants to make an annual declaration on criminal history matters when renewing Boards to have power to conduct ad hoc criminal history and identity checks
Professional Indemnity Insurance Must not practice unless the nurse or midwife is covered in the conduct of their practice by appropriate professional indemnity insurance arrangements All registrants to make an annual declaration that insurance is or will be when they practice in place. Nurse and midwives responsibility to understand the nature of the cover under which they are practicing
Mandatory Reporting Registered Health Practitioners and employers (e.g. hospitals) must report a registrant who they believe has engaged in reportable conduct. Reportable conduct is:- Practising while intoxicated by drugs or alcohol Engaging in sexual misconduct in professional practice Placing the public at risk of substantial harm through practitioners physical or mental impairment A significant departure from accepted professional standards For Students A student who has an impairment that during clinical placement may place the public at substantial risk of harm
Student Registration National boards will register students Each board will decide the point in the program from which students must be registered according to level of risk for the public From 2011 all boards will register students
Complaints Arrangements Single point of contact for members of the public with assistance provided where required – National Agency Complaints passed to the relevant board Board and Health Complaints Commissioners must attempt to reach agreement with most serious action prevailing Role of individual Health Complaints Commissioners continues
Mandatory Continuing Professional Development Continuing professional development (CPD) to be a condition of practice for all registrants other than non-practising and students National boards to determine profession- specific requirements Requirements in existence at 30 June 2010 will satisfy initial annual renewal requirements Self declaration upon renewal Annual audit
But where does this leave NP endorsement? ANMC definition and standards Masters level of education Different timing for endorsement Prescribing authority in Victoria linked to the individual Prescribing authority in other states linked to role with protocols/CPGs
Contact Details Nurses Board of Victoria Phone STD callers Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia Website Victorian Practitioner Regulation website Website