A View on media concentration 2002 – 2006 Five years of research in the Dutch market EPRA - Prague, May Quint Kik Researcher Monitor Media Concentration
Contents 1.Background Media monitor 2.National characteristics 3.Ownership structures 4.Media markets 5.Crossmedial news market 6.Temporary Law Media Concentration 7.European Media monitor?
1.Background information Established May 2001 Specialized research unit on media concentration Consequences for plurality & diversity (Ministry EAS) Media markets & ownership structures Daily newspapers, television, radio & internet March 2002: 1st vol. “A View on media concentration” Oct 2003: Oct 2005: 4th vol. “A View”, focus on news market June 2007: temporary law on media concentration Sept 2007: 6th vol. “A View”
2.National characteristics Population: 16,5 mln Randstad (conurbation) GDP 2005: € 506 bln Cable transmission ca. 90% PC ownership 79% / (broadband) internet use 76% Long time analysis media use print: 3.8 hours a week (1975: 6.1) audio: 0.5 (2.2) television: 10.8 (10.2) internet: 3.8 (1985: 0.1)
3.Ownership: TMG Divisions for newspapers, Freesheets, Door-to-door papers and magazines Shares in radio, television and internet
4.Market overview: daily newspapers Type of Newspaper Share (%) / no. of titles Market leader 2nd ranking group C2 (%) National34 7 Telegraaf Media group PCM Publishers 94.4 Regional37 19 Royal Wegener NDC / VBK66.4 Combi- nation 11 1 AD Specialized2424 Financieele Dagblad SDU Publishers 88.9 Freesheets6363 MetroTelegraaf Media group 97.5
Number of publishers and newspaper titles
Market overview: television Type of broadcaster Share (%) / no. of channels Market leader 2nd ranking group C3 (%) (incl. PSB) Public35 3 PSB-- Private54 16 RTL Netherlands SBS Netherlands 74.9 Other
Number of broadcasters and tv channels
Market overview: radio Type of broadcaster Share (%) / no. of channels Market leader 2nd ranking group C3 (%) (incl. PSB) Public44 7 PSB-- Private50 15 ING / Telegraaf Media group Talpa Media76.8 Other
Number of broadcasters and radio stations
5.Change of focus Media monitor : media value chain (production-packaging-delivery) Research based on secondary sources Economic power, focus on suppliers Media markets individually Plurality / diversity issue?
The news market Media monitor now: news market (outlets, editorial units, diversity & reach) Research based on primary sources Opinion power, focus on content Crossmedia approach
2004paper use (%) tv use (%) radio use (%) totalnews % total news reach PSB ANP RTL TMG Wegener PCM Sky Radio SBS Radio Talpa Other
6.Temporary Law Media Concentration Responsibility: Dutch Competition Authority Obligatory advice: Dutch Media Authority Limits: maximum of 35% on daily newspaper market (including freesheets) maximum of 90% on markets for newspapers, television and radio (jointly 300%) Calulation markets: Media Monitor July 2007 – 2010
7.European Media monitor Dutch trends = European trends? Foremost private broadcasters = no. 1 & 2 in Europe Cable & telecom operators active on content market Investers (hedge funds) are more interested in media European research model Mapping Study 10 European countries (CvdM 2004) October 2007: CvdM - Media monitor workhop Availability & comparability secondary data Future: pilot for a European Media Monitor?