POLYMER SUBCOMMITTEE Spring 2007 ICDD Meeting ICDD Headquarters, Newtown Square, PA Wednesday March 21, 2007 T. Blanton - Chairman 1. Call to Order and Opening Remarks – T. Blanton 2. Appointment of Minutes Secretary 3. Roll Call and Attendance 4. Status of Polymer Activity - Headquarters DXC Workshop? – PDF and polymer characterization? – T. Blanton 6. Future Focus? - General 7. Adjournment
(a) (b) (c) Polymer Subcommittee Cast 4X Uniax 6X Uniax Polypropylene
Polymer Subcommittee polyethylene Polyethylene 2,6 naphthalate 5X Uniax Syndiotactic polystryrene 3x3 biax
Polymer Subcommittee
Considered a Polymer/PDF presentation at a DXC Polymer workshop Polymer workshop for 2007DXC was not established Do we ask DXC for a 2008 Polymer workshop?