Science Fair Mill Creek HS
What is Science Fair? Provides a platform from which students contribute to the advancement of science, engineering, and innovation in our society. The MCHS science fair provides the initial opportunity for you to exhibit your research. –First place winners will advance to the regional fair. –Regional first place winners will advance to the state (GSEF) competition or directly to the international (ISEF) competition.
Who is required to participate in science fair? At MCHS all SNHS members are required to participate in our local science fair. It is expected that you spend ~40 hours on your research project. (comparable to service hours required for other clubs/honor societies)
When is the science fair? Our local MCHS fair is January –There will be multiple paperwork deadlines prior to this date. The regional Gwinnett fair is February 26. The state GSEF fair is March 31 – April 2 in Athens. The international ISEF fair is May 8-13 in Phoenix, AZ.
How will I be judged? Locally, you will present your research to a panel of teachers, who look not only for an attractive functional presentation, but more importantly for the contribution the work has made to new information and for the basic understanding the students have of their research. –Real-world application is key! Big push for innovation…Shark Tank symposium. –Statistical analyses important (t-test, etc.). –You will inform the judges if you want to be scored as a science or an engineering project. If you qualify for the regional, state, or international fair, you will present your research to several professional scientists, engineers, university professors, or field experts.
What do I do now? Decide if you will be working individually or as a part of a team (no more than 3 group members). Decide on a topic of research (new categories). Secure an adult sponsor with whom you will be consulting all year (teacher/professor); complete form 1A. Write your research plan. (should be similar to a detailed lab report) –You must following all GSEF rules and regulations (see GSEF handbook online)see GSEF handbook online –You must be performing ethical science! Have your research plan approved by your adult sponsor (form 1B). –YOU MAY NOT BEGIN EXPERIMENTATION UNTIL YOU HAVE SECURED APPROVAL!
Paperwork!!! There are a LOT of forms to complete as you complete your research. Follow the ISEF forms wizard to help you determine what forms are required for your project.ISEF forms wizard –Some forms are required by all participants. –Some forms are required by those conducting Forms 1, 1A, and 1B are due by mid- October.