JENDL/HE-2007 & On going Activities for JENDL-4 Japan Atomic Energy Agency S. Kunieda IAEA 1-st RCM of CRP on FENDL-3.0, 2-5 Dec Y. Watanabe Kyushu University
Overview of JENDL High-energy File Neutron- and proton-induced data up to 3 GeV It contains data for 106 nuclei in latest version (2007) It includes cross sections such as total, elastic scattering, DDX of emitted light-particles ( n, p, d, t, 3 He, ), gamma-ray spectra, Prod. of residual nuclei JENDL-3.3 is adopted below 20 MeV for neutron data
1 st priority (39) 1 H, 12 C, 14 N, 16 O, 27 Al, 50,52,53,54 Cr, 54,56,57,58 Fe, 58,60,61,62,64 Ni, 63,65 Cu, 180,182,183,184,186 W, 196,198,199,200,201,202,204 Hg, 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi, 235,238 U 2 nd priority (43) 9 Be, 10,11 B, 24,25,26 Mg, 28,29,30 Si, 39,41 K, 40,42,43,44,46,48 Ca, 46,47,48,49,50 Ti, 51 V, 55 Mn, 59 Co, 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Nb, 92,94,95,96,97,98,100 Mo, 238,239,240,241,242 Pu 3 rd priority (40) 2 H, 6,7 Li, 13 C, 19 F, 23 Na, 35,37 Cl, 35,38,40 Ar, 64,66,67,68,70 Zn, 69,71 Ga, 70,72,73,74,76 Ge, 75 As, 89 Y, 181 Ta, 197 Au, 232 Th, 233,234,236 U, 237 Np, 241,242,242m, 243 Am, 243,244,245,246 Cm 4 th priority (10) 15 N, 18 O, 74,76,77,78,80,82 Se, 113,115 In List of Nuclei Released as JENDL/HE-2004 ( 66 nuclei ) Released as JENDL/HE-2007 ( 66+40=106 nuclei ) Evaluation is not accomplished yet … It will be released as a supplement in next year
GNASH Statistical & Pre-eq. PLDDX DDX (Kalbach’s Syst.) JENDL-3.3 TOTELA Total, elastic c.s. ( Niita’s Syst.) OPTMAN / ECIS SOM/CC-OM FISCAL Fission c.s. ( Fukahori’s Syst.) JAM /JQMD INC+GEM / QMD+SDM Methods and Tools JENDL-HE E < 200 MeV E > 200 MeV E < 20 MeV
Optical Model Analysis (<200 MeV) - Coupled-channel OM (RRM/SRM) - Spherical OM + DWBA Model : Optical Potential (OMP) : - Continuous local/global (<200MeV) - Isospin-dependent ( Soukhovitskii’s framework ) - Global / folding OMP for d, t, h, Deformed Nuclei SRM-CC (Near-) spherical Nuclei
(barn) Optical Model Analysis (<200 MeV)
(barn) Optical Model Analysis (<200 MeV)
Pb(p,xn), 113 MeV Meier (1989) ENDF/B-VII JEFF-3.1 JENDL/HE o 30 o 60 o 150 o GNASH Calculation OM + Statistical + Pre-equilibrium model + Kalbach’s syst.
(barn) Neutron Energy (MeV)Proton Energy (MeV) 208 Pb(n,xn) 208 Pb(p,xn) GNASH JAM+GEM Optical Model + GNASH (< 200 MeV) GNASH Calculation JENDL/HE-2007 ENDF/B-VII JENDL/HE-2007 ENDF/B-VII
Trial Adoption of a Coalesce Model 2p-1h state EfEf nucleons holes ENDF/B-VII JEFF-3.1 JENDL/HE-2007 Sylpen+ (2004) E n = 62.7 MeV 56 Fe(n,x ) ENDF/B-VII JEFF-3.1 JENDL/HE-2007 Blideanu+ (2004) E n = 96 MeV 208 Pb(n,x ) GNASH ( Kalbach’s exciton model ) + Iwamoto-Harada model 56 Fe, 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Nb, 182,183,184,186 W, 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi Applied to e.g.,
Trial Adoption of a Coalesce Model Iwamoto-Harada plus Kalbach Direct-like Bertrand+ (1971) E p = 61.7 MeV 209 Bi(p,xd)
Prod. X-sec. of Residual Incident Proton Energy (MeV) Cross Section (b) ENDF/B-VII JEFF-3.1 JENDL/HE-2007 Titarenko+ (2002) 209 Bi(p,x)
“Transmission through shields of quasi-monoenergetic neutrons generated by 43- and 68-MeV proton” Ref.) N. Nakao et al., Nucl. Sci. Eng. 124, 228 (1996). H. Nakashima et al., Nucl. Sci. Eng. 124, 243 (1996). Neutron spectrum of p+ 7 Li Experimental TIARA, JAERI Benchmark Test
Fe, E n =68 MeV, t=100 cmt=130 cm Benchmark Results
On going Activities for JENDL-4
JENDL-4 will be released in the end of FY2009 MA, FP, structural material and light nuclei E n < 20 MeV CCONE/POD calculations with latest parameter-sets for fast-energy region Re-evaluation of RR parameters Integral results are fed back to nuclear data
Time Schedule
Neutron Strength keV Exp. Spherical OM calc. RRM-CC calc. s-wave (l=0) Global Optical Model Potential Isospin-dependent global CC OMP was obtained Ref. S. Kunieda et al., J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 44, 838 (2007)
Sample of Evaluated Results 93 Nb(n,xn), EDX MeV MeV
Sample of Evaluated Results Faddeev calculations with realistic potentials
Calculated by CBG/SNR Oktavian Mo Benchmark
Summary Overview of JENDL/HE-2007 is presented in this talk Some differences are seen among the evaluations JENDL-4 project is now on going, and it will be released in the end of FY2009. Iwamoto-Harada coalesce model was partially adopted for composite particle production cross sections.
64 Zn 92 Mo 107 Ag 208 Pb Scattering Angle (deg.) / rth. Exp. dataPresent Simple Folding Model Results
Sample of Evaluated Results 93 Nb(n,xn), DDX
Concrete, E n =43 MeV, t=150 cm