Objectives Goal this job was the investigation of anomalous nuclear processes in the Bi salt experiment after strong electric field impact To explain results are attempt used the nuclear molecule model
References 1. D.S. Baranov, O.D. Baranova OBSERVATION OF THE ISOMERS 212 m1Bi AT THE EXPERIMENTS WITH SOME BISMUTH SALTS AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS International Conference Isomers in Nuclear and Interdisciplinary Research (INIR-2011) 2.. Baranov D.S., Baranova O.D. Production of Neutron-rich Bi Isotopes by Electric Fields. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EXOTIC NUCLEI (EXON2009). AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS VOLUME 1224 P
Sample preparation
Experimental set up
Counts in detector №1
ЯдроПериоды полураспада Брен. % Схемы распадов МэВ γ-излучение (МэВ) Деф.м, е кэВ 207 Bi 38 лет Э. З. β+0,57(98), 1, Bi3,68·10 5 лет Э. З.2, Bi2·10 19 лет 100 → α (4,88 ) 205 Pb Bi5,013 сут~100β (1,16 ) 210 Po→α (5,35 ) 206 Pb0,803(0,0011) Bi m1 3·10 6 лет 99,6 → α (5 ) 206 Tl 0,34, 0,61…271,3e 211 Bi2,14 мин 99,7 → α (6,62) 207 Tl0,351(14) Bi60,6мин;2,98·10 -6 с β (2,25 ) 212 Po →α (8,78) 208 Pb → α (6,05) 208 Tl 0,727(7), 1,62(1,8)… Bi m1 25 мин; 2,98·10 -6 с β (2,25) 212 Po→ α (8,78 ) 208 Pb → α (6,05 ) 208 Tl 250e 212 Bi m2 7 мин; 45,1 с 100β(1,95) 212 Po m →α(11,68 ) 208 Pb2200e 213 Bi 45,6мин; 4,2·10 -6 с 97,8β (1,39) 213 Po α (8,38) 209 Pb0, Bi19,9мин;1,64·10 -4 с~100β (3,26) 214 Po α (7,69) 210 Pb0,6(47)… Bi 7,7мин;1,78·10 -3 с~100β () 215 Po → α (7,38 ) 211 Pb Bi m1 36,4мин;1,78·10 -3 с~100β () 215 Po → α (7,38 ) 211 Pb1347e 216 Bi3,6мин; 0,15с~100β () 216 Po → α (6,78 ) 212 Pb5970c 217 Bi98.5 c; < 10с~100β () 217 Po → α (6,55 ) 213 Pb 218 Bi33 с; 3,05 мин~100β (5.06 ) 218 Po →α (6,0) 214 Pb
Scheme of 212Bi decay
Event example
Detector 1 Experiment data Photo M= 7 : 1 Photo Alpha count Alpha count
Bi isotopes production for 7.5 hours in a closed Si detecto 4 on pieces of bismuth nitrate, made by the cumulative emissions
dN/dE for alpha after 70 minscount in the first 70 mins
Alpha to beta time delay
dN/dE for electrons
We detected 210Bi, 212Bi, 212m1Bi, 214Bi. Bismuth 211 and 213 were not found. Such scheme of decay is impossible for free nucleus. Thus we need to introduce the system of nucleare
Nuclear molecules Atom Vigier size 100 Fermi
Traces on Si detector surface line – Nuclear molecule position
Silicium plate edge near the woll
Crater Микроскоп фирмы АМФОРА 80*80 мкм Energy deposition G Дет.2
Project:Baranov Owner: INCA Operator Elevation= 35.0 deg. Tilt= 0.0 deg. Azimuth= 0.0 deg. Sample: Type: Default Sample is polished and coated with Carbon - thickness (nm): 15.0, density (g/cm3): Thresholding has been selected : All quantitative results below 0 sigma have been set to zero. Site: Sample-1 Spectrum: Spectrum 1 19-май :05 PM Energy Resn. Area TOT.AR. L./R.time(s) P.time U(kV) Perr / % Counted by INCA INCA Proc.Option: Oxygen by stoichiometry Elmt A.C.% IntC. Wt% 2*Swt% At% Comp% dComp% Formula S K SO Bi M Bi2O O Total / CompSum / CatSum An.Sum 24.00
Site: Sample-2 Spectrum: Spectrum 1 19-май :38 PM Energy Resn. Area TOT.AR. L./R.time(s) P.time U(kV) Perr / % Peak omited: keV Counted by INCA/Oxygen by stoichiometry INCA Proc.Option: All elements analyzed Elmt A.C.% IntC. Wt% 2*Swt% At% Comp% dComp% Formula N K N2O O K < 7.85 O Bi M Bi2O Total / CompSum / CatSum An.Sum 24.00
11 C O 5.63 Si K 0.35 Au C O 4.32 Si K 0.29 Au C O 1.20 Si 6.91 K 0.25 Ca 0.12 Au C O Si Na 0.34 Ca 0.28 Au Si C O 2.72 Si Au 1.24
10 C Si Au C O 3.69 Si N 7.62 Au C O 2.42 Si Au C O 3.79 Si K 0.65 Au C O 9.01 Si K 1.67 Au 1.20
“Snake” traces
2 C O Si 5.85 Al 2.85 Zn 5.91 Bi C O 9.27 Si Ca 0.13 Zn 0.74 Br 0.21 Au 0.71 Bi C O Si Al 0.59 Zn 1.89 Au 0.47 Bi C Si Au C Si Au C O Al 0.78 Si Zn 2.29 Au 0.58 Bi C O Al 1.63 Si 6.03 Ca 0.23 Cu 0.43 Zn 4.86 Bi C O Al 1.21 Si 1.40 Zn 4.17 Bi 6.74 Tail
Head 10 C O Al 2.03 Si 0.44 Zn 4.66 Cu 0.77 Bi C O Al 0.80 Si Zn 2.06 Au 0.61 Bi C O Al 0.24 Si Zn 0.77 Au 0.49 Bi 0.50
1.We have evidens that giant long- lived nuclear molecules were detected in the experiments with bismuth salts solution. 2. We suppous that nuclear molecules are the part of every CMNS prosess. 3. We need to continue our investigations Conclusion
Thank you
1 Russan CF Conf г. Moscow-Blaсk See train