Founded in 1842 by the Order of Saint Augustine Located in a suburban community 12 miles west of Philadelphia 10,000+ undergraduate, graduate and law students; 2,500+ faculty and staff Six colleges: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences The Villanova School of Business College of Engineering College of Nursing College of Professional Studies School of Law About Villanova University
August 21, 2015 – marked Villanova’s 1 year anniversary with Nova Now Enhancements Since Go Live Focus Group Feedback Google Analytics MARC – Mobile Application Review Committee What’s Next Agenda
Enhancements Since Go-Live
Enhancements Since Go-Live
Focus Group Feedback When did participants use their app the most? Doing laundry Going to meals Getting around campus What new modules or functionality would you like to add to the app (if any)? Room reservations Tech Zone system intake Shuttle Tracking Act as a Wildcard Strongest Sentiment: Implement Continuous Login
Focus Group Feedback
Total Users First Week of Classes ‘15
Google Analytics First Day of Class 2014 August 25, First Day of Class 2015
Google Analytics Making Sense of the Stats Students downloaded the app much earlier in the year, right after acceptance. Active Users – Fall ,805 ; Fall 2015 – 4,744. New Metric – Active Users – past 30 days: 5,377. Active Users remain the same, seniors graduate and new freshman enter. Nova Now is targeted at current students. Screen views for most popular features have changed. iOS users 88%; Android 12%.
Google Analytics
MARC Mobile Application Review Committee Villanova University desires to facilitate development and growth of the institution’s mobile technology environment while also encouraging student innovation in this realm when such innovation aligns with course curriculum. At the same time, the campus community reasonably expects that mobile products published under the Villanova banner and owned by the University, whether developed by UNIT or by students with UNIT’s oversight, will have a utility and value in keeping with the University’s reputation as an educational leader.
MARC Mobile Application Review Committee University Information Technologies Department and the Offices of General Counsel and University Communication have melded these concurrent objectives—learning opportunities and reputation management—into a policy for mobile application development. Any campus unit planning to develop a mobile application or mobile website under the auspices of the University and branded as a Villanova product must first seek formal approval to proceed by completing the Villanova University Mobile App/ Mobile Website Request Form. leApps/mobileapp_request.html
MARC Mobile Application Review Committee Committee Members: Digital Marketing Specialist, University Communication Applications Programmer Analyst, UNIT Faculty, Computer Sciences, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Executive Director, ICE (Innovation, Creativity, & Entrepreneurship) Center Assistant Director Application Development, UNIT Director of Marketing, University Communication Associate General Counsel, General Counsel’s office
Implement 4.0 (currently on 3.8 Client; 3.0 Server) Course Registration Financial Award Letters Implement server redundancy Continuous Sign-on Looking Forward